12)AUTHOR (21+)

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A few days went by after Fourth's confession of giving Gemini another chance in pursuing him. Gemini was technically floating in the air. The threats stopped coming which was a relief for Gemini. Fourth also started to come to the house regularly. He would also stay in some nights.

Although Fourth, he would not let Gemini do anything to him except for hugs. Everytime Gemini went to kiss him, Fourth would put up a hand and run away.

Gemini was enjoying Fourth's company but he still wanted to kiss him.

Fourth was washing the dishes after dinner and Gemini just stood behind Fourth, hugging him.

"Gemini stop- I'm trying to wash the goddamn dishes here." Fourth said trying to move away.

"You can wash them later." Gemini said pleading.

Fourth just rolled his eyes and continued what he was doing. Suddenly the hands which were wrapped around Fourth's waist, started to glide up his shirt.

"Gem-" Fourth was trying to stop Gemini when he suddenly froze.

Gemini was breathing heavy near Fourth's ears "How long are you gonna stop me for?"

"Until I make sure you won't hurt me anymore." Fourth said still not moving.

Suddenly Gemini's hands dropped which left Fourth a bit lost.

"So you still don't trust me. Fine I get it" Gemini said with somewhat hurt in his voice.

"Wait no, it's not like that-" Fourth said stepping towards Gemini who started to walk away.

Gemini didn't stop while Fourth was trying to hold him. Gemini walked towards the living room and Fourth followed him.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" Fourth said apologizing.

Gemini turned back to face Fourth, "I told you, it's fine"

As soon as he was about to turn back, Fourth ran up to him, grabbed him by his shirt and kissed him on the lips.

Gemini was shocked at the sudden movement but he grasped the opportunity and kissed back.

The both of them kissed each other passionately. Gemini wrapped one of his arms around Fourth's waist and the other one in Fourth's hair, gripping it to deepen their kiss. Fourth's hands were around Gemini's neck. He was getting a bit breathless so he pulled back first, leaving their mouths agape only to be attached by a string of saliva.


The both of them were panting when Gemini traced his fingers up his spine sending shivers down the other's body. Both Gemini felt a bulge poking on his thighs.

"You're already turned on." Gemini said smirking at Fourth, who was all red.

Fourth suddenly looked in Gemini's eyes and let out a curse under his breath. He then suddenly pushed Gemini on the couch and dropped himself on top of Gemini.

The boy underneath was shocked and excited because of this new side of Fourth. Fourth pulled Gemini into another passionate kiss but this time it was rougher. They both were devouring each other like they were starved.

In one swift of movement, Fourth took off Gemini's clothes. Fourth stopped for a moment and took a look at the naked boy underneath him. Fourth smirked a bit while Gemini's was getting impatient. He pulled Fourth into another rough kiss. He held his nape and pushed deeper into the kiss.

Fourth suddenly pulled back and started kissing Gemini's neck..his shoulder..his chest. He stopped at the nipple and took it in his mouth. Gemini winced a little when Fourth bit it.

Fourth was enjoying seeing his Gemini in a mess like this. Fourth started to go down lower, his hands trailing down his abdomen then in a blink he took off Gemini's boxers. The sudden rush of air on his member sent shivers through his body.

Fourth was about to go even lower down his body when Gemini held Fourth's wrist.

"What is it?" Fourth asked in confusion.

"Are- are you sure about this?" He said.

Fourth didn't say anything but held his shaft in his hands which was already dripping with pre-cum. Fourth slowly started to move his hands up and down, causing Gemini to moan.

Fourth then quickly covered it with his soft, pink lips and wrapping it with his tongue. Gemini moaned even louder this time.

Fourth started to move his head up and down slowly. Gemini couldn't hold it anymore so he gripped Fourth's hair and pushed him inside Fourth's mouth, causing him to choke and tear up a bit. Gemini was so big so it took time for Fourth to get adjusted. But once he did, Gemini started to lead Fourth to fasten the pace. Fourth was choking and crying but still taking in Gemini skillfully.

"Fourth! pull ou- nghn~ pull out! I'm about to cum-" Gemini said, his words getting muffled up. Fourth smirked and fastened the pace even more. Gemini's moans turned into screams and he came inside Fourth's mouth. Fourth skillfully swallowed it. Gemini was left on the couch like a boneless body, his heart beating loud in his ears, panting. Fourth on the other hand was left with swollen lips and saliva on the side of his lips. His eyes red from the crying and his throat was sore from the blow job.

Gemini pulled him up to himself and switched positions, him on top and Fourth under him.

"Time to take care of yours." Gemini said while eyeing at Fourth's member, which was poking out of his pants. Gemini pulled his pants off causing Fourth to whimper at the throbbing pain.

Gemini took Fourth in his hands and started rubbing it up and down. Fourth threw his head back and the pleasure and moaned. As Gemini fastened his pace, the moans got louder.

"That's it baby, scream my name" Gemini said in a deep voice.

"Mm-nghhn~ Gem..Gemini... I-I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum!" Fourth was a mess from all this pleasure.

Fourth came and all shot all his cum on Gemini's chest. Now he was the one laying like a boneless body, breathing hard.

Gemini fell on the couch beside and pulled him in his arms. They cuddled each other until both of them fell asleep on the couch.


Second smut y'all- the next chapter is gonna be a fluff chapter so.



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