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As soon as i opened the door, i saw Gemini- trying to jump off the 15th floor window as the other nurses were trying to hold him back.

How the hell did even get up from his bed-

I rushed to him amd wrapped my arms around his waist from the back. As soon as I pulled, both of us fell. He fell on top of me and GOD he is heavy-

I expected him to move but he lost his consciousness again amd just stayed there. The other nurses helped me get him off of top of me and put him back on the bed. What a way to start a day.

I think he panicked when he woke up but his strength gave up on him and he collapsed on top of me. The nurses changed his clothes and left. And I was here alone again. My meals were getting sent to the room. It felt like I was also a patient- stuck in the hospital room.

Even though I was in the hospital, my mind kept going back to tonight's event. There was supposed to be a really big racing event at around 1AM in the downtowns, but how am I supposed to go if I can't even leave the fucking room.

I was pacing back and fourth, losing my mind but then suddenly,


As soon as I turn my head to him, his face paled. I think I can guess why. I would've reacted that way too.

"Fourth...what are you-"

"I work here. Shouldn't take much brain work to guess." I say cutting him off mid-sentence. "Anyways, since you're up I'll call in a nurse to take care of you."

I was about to walk out when he suddenly said "Wait...no don't leave.."

"Is he serious?" I thought to myself.

"Why? I have other things to do in the hospital than just sitting here the entire day doing nothing."

"I'm sure they hired you to be my personal doctor. So it's technically your job to stay here with me the entire day doing nothing."

I was about to rip his eyes out and shove them down his throat. I swear- "You don't talk like someone who got in a car accident last night. I'm assuming you're fine so I will just call in a nurse for you."

As soon as I said that he stopped talking and lowered his head. My chest tightened. Shit- did I say something wrong? What is wrong with me?

I sighed and walked back in, I checked his pulse and gave him his food.

"Eat this. Or I can't let you take the medicines."

Gemini lifted the spoon to his mouth and dropped it back.

"I can't eat this"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"This literally smells like antiseptic."

"Stop being picky and eat it. You don't have a choice."


I let out a visible sigh and walked up to him and took a seat beside his bed. I was really about to do this.

I took the spoon to his mouth, "here.."

Gemini stared at me for beats before opening his mouth and eating the spoonful of food.

After I was done feeding him which felt painfully long and silent, I gave him the medicines and he was knocked out again. I paced around the room. Took a nap because I completely gave up on the idea of joining tonight's race. What a bummer.


The following week was pretty much the same. But Gemini's condition got better. He did try to talk to me but not a single part me wanted to talk to him. Not after what he did.

Eventually, Gemini got discharged from the hospital. His manager was doing all the paperwork in the lobby while he in the room getting ready.

When I entered the room, he stooped and turned to look at me. He was wearing a white tee and black sweatpants. Which was very simple and casual but still took my breath a little like- No.

"I'm here to give you your prescription. Take the medicines as prescribed, on time. And if anything happens just give me a call" I said trying to sound professional.

"Mhm okay thank you."

I was about to walk away when he said "wait Fourth-"

"Doctor. Call me Dr.Nattawat" Fourth said cutting Gemini off mid-sentence.

"Sorry...Dr. Nattawat...I-"

"Hurry up I don't have all day." I was getting impatient. I've been trying to avoid a conversation with him for the past week. What is he doing now?

"... I-I am...sorry."


I HOPE Y'ALL LIKED THIS CHAPTER. I know there's nothing much here but anyways. We're getting in the story✋

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions and suggestions!! Sorry for the grammar or spelling mistakes!


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