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My eyes widened in shock. My brother?

"Wait what-" I ask in confusion.

"What? You don't know me?" He asked back.

"I'm sorry there might be a misunderstanding here..my parents, they died almost 21 years ago."

He now looked as shocked as me. "20 what? No they died 2 years ago..wait what is going on?"

I felt like the world has turned upside down. "Gun..how do you know about me?"

"They always said how you disappeared and moved abroad before I was born. I also moved abroad after graduation. I got a call a few days back saying my- our parents died. I came back as soon as I can. I wanted to look for you but I didn't know where to because I had no clue. Yesterday I saw you and where you work in an interview. And we look so alike. I checked the name and realized we're both Nattawat's. So I took a guess and came here. And figures out it really is you!" He becomes excited again unaware of the fact that my world just crashed down.

"All these years my parents were.. alive?" I was so confused.

"Yes! Well anyways, I need a place to stay for a few days. Do you have any other house I can live in?" He asked as if trying to change the subject.

"Where were you staying these days?" I asked him back. But as soon as I asked that, he suddenly seemed stressed.

"At a hotel. Down the street. But I don't have much cash left on me right now. I really need a place to stay." He insisted.

"I'll.. see what I can do." I still wasn't sure how I ended up here. I was about to walk out when he asked for my number. I hesitantly have it to him and walked out. I walked inside the emergency exit staircase and leaned over the wall.

"What is going on.." I said to myself. I tried to make sense out of the things he said.

So my parents were alive like walking and talking- all this time? But how is this possible? They died when I was a child. I can't recall their death or funeral or whatever but that's maybe because I was young.

But I also can't help but feel a little weird about my mystery brother. He showed up and now he needs a place to stay? How'd he even know if I had 'any other house'?

I face palmed myself and let out a long sigh.

By the end of my shift, it was already 9PM. I tried to distract myself as much as possible but my mind kept going back to what Gun said. I was infront of the hospital exit when a familiar voice called out.


I turned my head and saw Gun running towards me.

"Phi- can I come with you? I've been waiting here for you." He said trying to catch his breath.

"Come with me? But I'm going somewhere now. I can't take you."

"Please? Please please please please-" he was pleading.

"Uhm-" as much as I wanted to go back to Gemini and throw myself in his arms, I now had a responsibility I needed to take care of.

I let out another sigh- I've been sighing a lot these days-


"OKAY okay!- fine- I'll take you but do not question anything. I'll go and do whatever I what but don't you question me. You'll also do what I tell you to."

A wide grin spread across his face. "OKAY! I'll do whatever you say!" He was cheering now. "Thank you so much phi!"

"Stay here I'll go get the car."

"Ohho phi you even drive your own car!"

I smiled a little and shook my head before walking out.


"What?!?" Gemini screamed from the other side of the call.

"Stop screaming-"

"Mystery brother?! Fourth- are you sure you should believe him?"

"I mean he does look like me and his last name is Nattawat too." I said but equally as confused.

There was a pause on his side. "But isn't it weird he just showed up and told you that he's your brother?"

"Yeah I also found it weird." I said while taking a peek inside the room where Gun was sitting at the edge of the bed, talking with someone that is.

". . .him questions?"

"Wait say that again I didn't pay attention?"

"I said you should ask him questions, I mean personal ones. Like maybe what was your mother's name?"

"I could do that but.. what are we even trying to prove here?" I said after I heard a laugh from Gun's room. He seemed comfortable.

"Gem?" I called breaking the silence.

"Yeah- yeah I'm here. You know what let's observe him."

"Observe him?" I questioned.

"Yes observe his movements, how he talks, where he goes, who he talks to, try to get information out of him. But don't let him know that you're keeping an eye on him." Gemini said. "Okay?"

"Okay yes I'll do that."

"Great. Keep me updated and.. I miss you."

"Oh hell no not this again-"

"What do you mean!?"

"The last time you said 'I miss you' on the call, you made me come over to you, just to have sex."

"I can't even miss my boyfriend." He said and I could imagine him giving his head that 'disappointed' shake.

"Shut up and goodnight"

I heard a light chuckle. "Goodnight love. I love you."

"I love you too." I was giggling and blushing while I cut the call.

"Who were you talking to?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned my head and saw Gun leaning against the wall.


"I heard you say I love you to someone. Who was it?" His eyes were like shinning with curiosity.

"No one. I told you not to question me about anything." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"But-" he was about to protest.

"No. Why aren't you sleeping yet? It's late." I shut him up.

He pouts.

"Don't look at me like that and go back to your room. I have to wake up early so I'll leave first." I said before walking back to my room.

It kind of dawned on me that I'm gonna have to take care of him. Atleast until he's doing a suitable job. Or maybe I can send him back abroad to complete his studies? Why isn't he even going back? Did he even finish his graduation?

I laid down and closed my eyes. My mind kept questioning me until I felt myself drifting to sleep.


HI EVERYONE I AM FINALLY BACK WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER🤘 There aren't many GeminiFourth moments in this chapter but DON'T WORRY WE'LL GET THERE.


JUB JUB‼️🧚‍♂️

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