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I woke up in one morning on the bed. But I soon realized the bed wasn't mine, it was Gemini's.

I looked to the side hoping to see him but he was gone. Even though he wasn't here, his smell still lingered in the room. I stretched my body under the warm rays and sat up on the bed. I felt that my throat was sore and scenarios from last night rushed in my mind.

Gemini on the couch, his head thrown back, moaning, his hands in my hair while I gave him a blow job- holy shit. My cheeks flushed from the flashbacks.

Just then I heard the bathroom door open, revealing Gemini- towel wrapped around his waist, few drops of water from his hair trickling down his abs.

I felt my body heating up. No, I can't have a boner first thing in the morning-

I looked away. But he could probably tell that I was getting red.

"What's wrong? There's nothing you haven't seen already." Gemini said and I could already tell by his voice that he was grinning.

"I-I'm gonna go to my room." I said starting to get off the bed. Suddenly Gemini grabbed my hand and pushed me down on the bed again. I was now under his bare chest while he gripped my hands over my head tightly.

"Gem! I just woke up and my mouth smells!" I tried to argue and free myself. Which, was a big fail.

"I don't care." He said bringing his face closer.

"I do! And I have to go work! Now move!" I finally tossed him aside and got up from the bed.

My leave from work wasn't supposed to end till next week, but I got a call this morning for an emergency saying a patient has been looking for me. I've been staying at the house since the last few days with Gemini. We had a lot of fun and obviously, a whole lot of sex. But I liked it. I liked being under his touch and care. I didn't even know I was longing for it until it happened.

When it was time to leave, Gemini still insisted on me saying he had a bad feeling.

"What if you die on the road?"

"I won't"

"Maybe you'll trip and die!"

"Nobody trips and dies. Now let me go!"

"Fine then. Whatever." He said and started walking towards his room. What a baby!

I ran to him and hugged him. "There, there. Now stop sulking like a child."

"Fourth, be safe, please." He said, his eyes searching for reassurance.

"Don't worry. I'll be alright and I'll come back home by the time it's dark." I said cupping his cheeks.

"Mhm okay." He said before leaning down to kiss me and i kissed him back. I said my goodbye and went to work.

I was driving while my mind kept playing some memories from my childhood. I didn't remember much about it, just some few hazy moments.

I lost both of my parents when I was young. They went out one night and just never came back. I don't know what happened to them but I was raised under my aunt's care. That was also until she died when I was in the US. She took great care of me and also used to send money for tuitions. But I also had to work double shifts to atleast eat and pay the bills since no one was gonna do it for me. I never thought about asking my aunt about what happened to my parents and she also never got the chance to tell me. I didn't have any contact with my other relatives either.

I stopped behind the hospital and parked my car. When I walked in, I saw the nurses smiling and greeting me. I walked up to the counter and saw Prim sitting.

"Good morning Prim!" I greeted her. She looking up through her glasses and immediately stood up.

"Good morning Mr. Nattawat! Welcome back!" She said smiling.

"I told you not to call me 'Mr. Nattawat.' Just call me Fourth."

"Sorry.." she flashed a smile apologetically.

"It's alright. So what about the patient you called me this morning about?" I asked.

"Oh yes. His name is Gun. Gun Nattawat? He shares the same last name as you and also.. looks a little bit like you too. Just a bit younger." Prim said observing my face.

I was confused. Looks like me? Also shares the same last name?

"Where is he?"

"He came in with his left knuckles injured. That kid must've punched someone or something." She said while handing me a clipboard. "Room no. 447. He's resting there."

"Okay thank you." I flashed a smile before making my way to his room. I mind kept wandering off. As the elevator stopped at his floor, I started walking towards his room. I don't know why my heart was beating faster. I stopped infront of his door and took a deep breath before entering.

I walked inside the room and saw a young guy sitting on the edge of the bed and undoing the bandage on his knuckles. According to the file, he's 22 years with no parental information. His hair was covering his view so I couldn't see his face.

"Excuse me. May I come in?" He shot his head up and looked at me wide eyed. His face also came in clear view. I couldn't help but notice, what Prim said was true. This kid does look a lot like me.

"Fourth?" He asked while standing up.

"Yes. I am Dr. Fourth Nattawat. And you must be Gun? Gun Nattawat? Crazy how we share the same last na-"

"Oh my god it really is you!" He said running towards me and hugging me. I was shocked. He knows me?

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" I asked.

He pulled back from the hug and stared at me. "You don't know me?" He asked back.

"Am I supposed to?" I was so confused at this point.

"Fourth.. I'm Gun! Your biological brother!"



UPDATE AFTER A LONG TIME‼️ I'm trying to make some plots for this story so hope you enjoy it‼️


JUB JUB ‼️ 🧚‍♂️

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