Chapter 8

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She could faintly see that there was an invisible barrier surrounding the floating island, that even the clouds couldn't get past. It was the same barrier that had blocked her from leaving the hollow before. It had to be freezing beyond the barrier.

She wasn't intimidated but felt a strange sense of déjà vu. Arim had been quite similar when she'd first seen it, only way worse. Arim was naturally the name of Amir's planet.

It had basically been a giant sphere of frozen ice and worldwide blizzards and ice storms; a moon on a frozen planet with temperatures of almost absolute zero. It would have cost way too many red and yellow mana rocks to turn into an artificial planet, so it had been temporarily shelved.

It was like Liam had delivered a soft pillow for her right when she was in need of sleep. Once some time had passed and its surface temperatures had risen to a suitable degree, she had popped in for a look when she fell through the frozen lake she appeared on.

She instantly teleported to sturdier ice and then noticed that all land mass was submerged underwater. She was only able to stand freely on large blocks of ice towards the north pole as she was decked out in space gear.

That was the biggest difference this time. She didn't even have any underwear to preserve her dignity. But considering that she was now as tall as a cup and looked like a humanoid alien, maybe she didn't have any dignity left to preserve.

She instead thought of all the wealth she'd lost, and almost cried. She had been taking a break from inter-galactic trading decades before she'd died, but she'd still had some resources on hand to start a new life on Arim. The loss of mana rocks and crystals was the greatest loss.

She had no choice now but to stay on Sher island, unless she wanted to die of hypothermia. If only she could move the island freely or find a way to lower it to the ground.

The floating island slowly started to descend at the thought. At first, she thought that she was daydreaming. But seeing the ground that was slowly but surely getting closer, she became ecstatic.

She had to quickly decide where to land. She considered the mountain peaks but the island was way too big. She looked at the snowy plains and prayed that this wouldn't be a repeat of Arim. That was solid ground, right?

The island came to a halt and she face-palmed in sudden comprehension. This was almost too convenient. Almost.

She could directly use this island on Arim. Is this the so-called silver lining in the dark clouds? Dawn breaking at the darkest hour? Misfortune and luck coming in pairs?

She grinned, and flew all the way back to Sher. By the time she got to the white tree, it was already dark and three moons shone in the night sky; a big blue moon and two small white moons. She looked at the white tree leaves that glowed a pale blue in the moonlight.

She flew up to the highest branch on the tree and looked at the sky.

"I will definitely get a few moons for Arim once I'm stronger," she promised herself.

She then went up higher, until she could see the entire island below her. The dome surrounding the island was less than a foot above her head.

She let her mental power spread out over the island and froze a second later. Her mental awareness could barely cover a radius of two metres.

She was weaker than she could have ever imagined. Even an ant had to be stronger than her. She knew that the manobots multiplied mental energy exponentially, but to actually experience the difference was another matter altogether.

As a cyborg, she had been able to cover more than a millon kilometres within a few hours. Right now, her mental awareness stretched for only a second and tapped out. Had her mental capabilities dropped so low?

She tried to teleport towards Sher but only moved two metres closer. She flew down in this manner, much like a firefly, towards the cave in the huge tree.

She stood at the entrance and looked around her current home, sighing at the irony. Sher had always lived inside her and now it was her turn to live inside Sher.

Plus it looked like a dream. The massive white plants with big pink flowers to boot, made her feel like she was living in a cloud. Come to think of it, she was literally living in the clouds.

She may never be able to place the island into Amir without Sherlock. Sherlock.

Her eyes widened in understanding as an enormous white vine wrapped around her and pulled her deeper into the cave. The vines passed her along until she arrived at her bed. Ahem, to the comfortable flower that she usually sleeps in.

"I'm not sleepy yet," she said in the middle of a yawn and started to get up. "Can you connect to my mind like you did before?"

Then she felt it. Her link with Sher that she'd hardly known was there, was stronger than ever. She could suddenly see a different view of the entire island in her mind.

Sher was approximately in the center, and seven other similar trees were scattered around the island. Their roots dug in deep into the rock and spread far and wide. Their underground network spanned across the more than five hundred square kilometres of land.

Energy flowed through the network, from Sher to the entire island. The energy from Sher came from its hollow, inside the flower where I was currently seated. She looked like a power plant. Pun intended.

She swallowed her amazement and focused on trying to transport the island to the skies of Arim, closer to the equator, where the weather was just right.

She didn't note any difference aside from the white plants that no longer had an azure glow, but she was too tired to fly all the way to the edge of the island to check. She ate some clear grapes and slowly shut her eyes for some much-needed sleep.

Wait. Her eyes snapped open. Nothing had actually changed, even if she was successful. She literally had no resources in Amir. There was only an orange dwarf star, an empty blue planet, and now a floating island and Sher, who was a tree.

Oh, well. Those were tomorrow's worries, and worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away your sleep. Or something like that. She fell into a deep and restful slumber.


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