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No Longer the Bridesmaid

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No Longer the Bridesmaid

The following week the WWE divas were invited to the new training center of the company. They were there to show their support to those part of NXT but as well as the people running the place.

Harley stood with the other girls as Jane approached them, "I just want to thank you guys for being there today."

They all smiled, "Happy to be here."

Jane then turned towards Nikki who was still on her crutches, "Since you're down and out a little bit, I think we're going to have the opportunity to bring, like one or two of the girls up."

Bringing girls up isn't anything new, Harley was one to be brought up from NXT like but as Divas they already get limited time and there's a whole roster, that it does feel intimidating.

Harley took notice of the sarcastic smile Nikki played, "I'm going to be replaced just like that."

"Not replaced..." Jane trailed off.

"As long as it's not Eva Marie." The Bella shrugged off, the girls bit taken back by her answer though it was not surprising.

"You're irreplaceable." Harley imputed with a smile.

Nikki smiled warm heartedly, "I love you Harls."

❀ ˖⁺⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

On the drive to the arena, Harley decided to get a ride from Joe, as she had to go in early for a meeting. She sat in the passenger seat of his car rental, talking about anything and everything in their lives.

"You going to the wedding?" She asked to take a sip from the coffee he bought her.

He shrugged, "Not sure yet."

"How come?" He just shrugs it off, "You should come, Trin and Jimmyare going." Harley encouraged him.

"Oh I get it now..." He rolled his eyes playfully, "You don't want to be a third wheel."

She chuckled, "More like a fifteenth wheel because everyones going with their partners."

"I don't like weddings." His nose scrunched up.

This time she rolled her eyes in dramatics, "Oh come one. What– when you get married you're just not gonna like it."

"That's not what I said." He laughed.

"Basically what you implied." She countered. "I need company...please."

He thought for a minute, "Fine but..."

She cheered playfully, "Yes."

"I didn't finish." His words caused her to stop her reactions, "But you have to make the drive down there while I get some sleep."

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