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Inhale, Exhale

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Inhale, Exhale

Following Harley's party, there was a lot to unpack. For the most part and to Harley the most important part was that she did have a good time and that her guests did too. Her parents also now were aware of the relationship between Joe and herself. Harley had decided to tell them at the end of the party when all the guests aside from herself, her parents, Joe, Kaia and her boyfriend had left. It was safe to assume that they heavily approved and found that they made a great pair.

But unfortunately you can never get the good without the bad. As the whole situation with Jake had made its way through social media and been publicized for most to hear about. Especially when it was revealed that he was released from the whole WWE company as a whole. 

It was just not what she needed going into work that following Monday, especially as it led up to TLC where she had such a huge match.

Arriving at the venue of the show, she had walked in with her dad, and as she walked to find her respective locker room she was met with sympathizing looks. She hated it. She didn't want those looks again.

For the most part, she had decided to remain in the locker room until her match later on with Natalya. It would be the match that led to their scheduled face off next week at TLC. However she was not able to hermit herself as she was called to Caranno's office.

News about the release of Jake had gone out and now the situation that had happened only days ago was pretty much out for everyone to know about. Harley had kept to herself the whole show, choosing to stay in the locker room to avoid any conversation. Though it was good news, she still felt down.

She was talking with her father, while she waited for her match to go on. If there was one thing her dad was, it was protective. He had come to find her after having seen the media post about Jake's release and wanted to talk things out more thoroughly with her.

Harley had her back leaned against the wall as her dad went on and on. It's not that she didn't want to hear his advice or that he wasn't being reasonable, it was that she felt like she was being lectured.

"I just don't want to get any more legal involved." Harley threw her head back gently so as to not bump her head on the wall.

Her father sighed, "Honey..."

"I got started on the restraining order, I don't want to make this a repeat of–" She cut herself off seeing the familiar tall figure come her way, "Can we just drop it?"

Booker T turned slightly seeing what shut her off, and sighed contently, "Fine."

As Joe approached them he made sure to smile, "Hey babe." Harley reached up to hug him, placing a cheek on his cheek.

"Hey." He responded with his own kiss and hug before turning to his girlfriend's father, "How are you doing sir?"

"Sir?" His eyebrows furrowed, causing Joe's smile to falter slightly, "I'm messing with you."

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