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The Big Twenty-One

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The Big Twenty-One

After her Monday Night Raw appearance and matches she was lucky enough to be off for the rest of the house show and Smackdown. She spent that time planning for her big birthday party event which was a great help.

When it came to the day of her party she had lots of excitement as she would be seeing lots of friends and family she hadn't in a long time. She sat in the make-up room of the house that she was in, along with Trinity, Kaia and the beauty team. She would be getting ready there, and would have her friends meet her there before heading to the party in a party bus.

Harley's phone began to ring as she sat at her vanity, the familiar ringtone she was quick to answer it.As she answered she was not able to say a word as two seat voices started to sing, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to Harley, Happy birthday to you." The father daughter duo consisting of Joe and Jojo finished off with enthusiasm.

"Is that my favorite person?" She asked when the song was over.

The deep, booming voice of her boyfriend cut it, "Yes."

"You're not Jojo." She exclaimed playfully.

The little girl in question spoke through the phone's speaker, "Happy birthday Harley!"

"Thank you princess." Harley gushed, "I miss you."

"Miss you more. Did you have cake?" She was quickly interested in the sweets that Harley would be getting.

"Not yet, maybe later." She told the girl, "Do you want me to save you a slice?"

A cheerful squeal escaped the toddler lips, "Yes. It's almost my birthday too."

"I know and guess what..." Harley Questioned.


"It's your favorite flavor, chocolate, so I'll make sure to save you a big slice."

The cheers continued on the other side but quickly faded, "You got her all hyper now." Joe's playful voice came through the phone causing Harley to laugh.

She apologized, "Sorry."

"Happy birthday baby." He told her with love. "Did you get your gift yet?"


As she questioned Kaia had walked back into the room with a floral arrangement, a card sticking out on the top, "Stop." She looked at flowers that were set on the dresser, "You're so cute." She told him.

"I hope you like them."

"I love them." Harley pouted, "Thank you."

"Alright I'll let you go cause I know you're probably still getting ready."

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