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A/n: I finish finals this week so I'll be focusing my attention on this story more! I have a new cover, let me know your thoughts because I think it turned out good, but the more I look at it, I don't know 😭

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A/n: I finish finals this week so I'll be focusing my attention on this story more! I have a new cover, let me know your thoughts because I think it turned out good, but the more I look at it, I don't know 😭

Disney World

After the Monday Night Show, when Harley turned heel, she was given a few days, along with the four other divas she turned on. They wouldn't be at the live shows, so they all independently took this time to relax outside of work.

Trinity and Harley, however, still spent time together at Disney World, a trip they had coordinated with the Usos and their families and, of course, Joe and Jojo.

They stayed at a resort, so making it to the parks would be easier, especially considering they were a rather large group. Jon and Trin stayed in a room with their kids, and Josh and Kecia did the same thing with their kids. Harley got a separate room from Joe and Jojo, and they were connected, so it wasn't too lonely for Harls.

On the first night, they ate at a diner near the resort so they would not have to take three different cars. Harley, Jojo, and Joe were the last to arrive, only by a couple of minutes. When they walked in, they found the others already at a table with three empty chairs. They said hi to everyone for the second time that day before taking their seats, Jojo sitting between Harley and Joe.

Once they were all seated, they ordered the drinks. After making their quick decisions, they ordered their food. And then all they had to do was wait.

As they waited, they all began to converse. The kids talked amongst themselves until one of Josh's kids caught Harley's attention. "How come you beat up Aunt Trin the other night?"

The table laughed as Harley looked at Jaiden like a deer caught in headlights, "Yeah, how come?" Jayla pushed.

Josh chuckled, "Ooh, she goin' to get it now."

"Yeah, tell'em Harley." Trin turned to Harley with a sassy look.

Harley looked between the kids and the adults. "Well...uhm..." She trailed off, "So I'm the champ, right?" The kids nodded, "So all the girls are trying to come after my championship. They want to win against me, but I can't let them. So I have to look intimidating, so they're scared to come after me."

"Pssh." Trin bumped shoulders with Harley. Excuses." She joked, causing the table to laugh, but thankfully, the conversations dropped, and Harley wouldn't need to explain her actions further. Their food didn't take long to arrive, and everyone dug in when it reached their table.

Though they sat only a seat away from one another, they were both in different conversations. He talked with his cousins and the kids while Harley chatted with Trinity and Kecia.

"So, how did you guys get these days off?" Kecia asked, chatting with Trin and Harley, "I know you usually do house shows."

"Since Harley over here beat me up, I got an excuse." Trin playfully pointed at the girl.

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