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Digging a Hole

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Digging a Hole

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Unfortunately, Harley could not make the Cabo trip due to scheduling issues. She was incredibly sad that she'd miss out on the bonding trip, but she was glad they understood and wished them the best trip.

Even when getting back from the Cabo trip, Harley was not able to socialize as much as she would have liked to. With Wrestlemania just around the corner, she was put in more matches and continued to ignite her feud with the whole locker room in Trinity's absence.

Luckily, Trinity will be returning tonight, so she will be facing Harley in some one-on-one action that was pretty exciting.

She and Joe were backstage when she caught sight of Trin and John walking in. Immediately, she left Joe's side and ran up to Trinity, "You're back." She jumped on Trin, not enough to put her whole weight on the girl but enough to have Trin catch her.

The two hugged, and John commented, "Don't go breaking my wife; we just got her fixed."

Harley still had her arms around Trin as she glared his way playfully, "Go away."

By this point, Joe had made his way over to the three, greeting Trin, "Wassup cuz."

Harley let go of her so that Joe could give her her own hug before showing her excitement once more, "I'm so excited you're back. How's your eye?"

"It's much better." Trin answered, "It's not 100, but of course, time will help. In the mean time, I'm cleared, and I'm able to do my thing, so I'm gonna do it."

"That right, girl." Harley clapped. "Well, I'm so happy you're back and healthy. I have been dying without you. I have had no one to talk to."

Trin laughed, "What about the rest of the locker room full of divas?" John questions, "What about Joe? You just gonna do my uce like that?"

"It's just not the same." Harley shook her head playfully before turning around and facing Joe. "Hey, he knows it's not personal, right babe?" She wrapped her arms around him.

He looked down at her briefly before looking at his cousins, "Trust me, I don't need any confirmation." His hands then traveled her ass, giving it a light slap, "Plus we don't do much talking, so."

"Babe." Harley pushed herself off of Joe, but he just pulled her back.

"Damn." Trin laughed as her husband gave Joe a high-five,  "I did not know you freaky like that, Joe. So long as my girls getting some action."

"Oh, she's getting plenty," Joe confirmed. "Only the best for the champ, huh baby?"

John wrapped an arm around his wife. "Trin is about to get that same treatment real soon." He then looked towards Harley.

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