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I saw Hyunjins car and I got in

"As I was saying I got a night with the stripper" Hyunjin said to Jeongin

I looked at him

"When" Jeongin asked "next week the fat guy said that she was turning on age to go to privates next week so she couldn't today but she can next Friday since you know she'll be on age"

"What if she's a virgin" Jeongin asked "well um I guess I'll be her first"

I rolled my eyes

"He better go gentle with me" I said "what" Hyunjin looked at me "oh nothing I'm talking to my self" I said "weirdo no wonder no one likes you" I rolled my eyes

Next morning

I woke up and brushed my teeth and showered then changed

I headed downstairs and saw some lady's cleaning the house "um good morning" I said and they smiled

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I headed downstairs and saw some lady's cleaning the house "um good morning" I said and they smiled

"About damn time you're fucking awake" Hyunjin said and I rolled my eyes at him

"It's only ten" I said pointing at the clock "yeah and the party is at 8" he said

"Here" he gave me paper "what's this for" he said "those are the numbers of the beer people food people and the dj number" he said

"Call them and I wrote down how much food and beer I want there to be" I nodded and headed to the kitchen and saw pancakes "uhhh"I bit my lip and ate one

"Hyunjin is doing to much" Jeongin came in and I nodded "hey what happened to your face" he asked "oh I got in a fight with one of the other girls"

"Oh you okay tho" he said and I nodded "you exited for tonight" I asked "not really" he said

"Well I got one more box that I have to take to my apartment you wanna come with me and drop it off" I asked and he nodded

"While we're there yo I can call for these while I look for an outfit" I said giving him the paper

"Fine" he said and I giggled "let's go" I said getting some orange juice and headed upstairs

Ava's apartment

I unlocked the door and Jeongin brought the box in "just put it on the floor" I said closing the door

"Wow you're apartment is nice" he said "I know right Minhos mom did a good job"I said

"Look come look at my room" I said opening the door

"Uhh you're bed look s so comfy" he said laying down

"Uhh should I wear black what are go I wearing" I asked him as I went in my closet

"Im wearing all black" he said "okay uh before we forget call the numbers" I said and he nodded

"I still can't believe I'm gonna have a night with Hyunjin" I said

"You're literally gonna fuck my brother how do you think I feel" I looked at him "true" I said

"Hey but about damn time that sexual tension between y'all is insane" I looked at him "sexual tension" I asked

"Yes sexual tension" he said "there's no sexual tension between us" I said "sure" he said and started calling the numbers

I looked through my closet and picked an outfit "this is cute" I said showing it to him and nodded


We were back home already and I was getting ready

Knock knock

"Come in" I said as I let a curl fall and Hyunjin came in "what do you want" I asked "please don't dress up all slutty and don't embarrass us" I looked at him

"Don't tell me what to wear I'll dress how ever I want" I said doing another curl "Ava" he called out my name

"Hyunjin get out please you don't own me so don't tell me what I can and can't wear" I said and he bit his lip

"Fine then" he walked out

Who the fuck does he think he is fucking dickhead

My phone then started ringing and it was Dino

"Hello" I answered putting it on speaker "hey Ava are you busy" he asked "um kinda we're having a party today here at the house I was gonna invite you but you know it's Hyunjins house" I said "yeah I know"

"You wanna hang out tomorrow" he asked "um sure why not" I said "okay then I'll call you tomorrow bye have fun" he said "bye thanks" I said and hung up


I was done getting ready and I just had the put my dress on I looked at the clock 7:29

I still got a few minutes left

I touched up my red lipstick again and put the outfit on

"I look so good" I said to my self as I looked at the mirror and checked out my ass

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"I look so good" I said to my self as I looked at the mirror and checked out my ass

I went out my room and went to Jeongins "you ready" I asked while going in and he was buttoning his shirt "wow Ava you look hot" he said "I know right"

"Hyunjin went to my room earlier and was like please don't dress up all slutty and embarras us" I said "really weirdo" he said "I know right" I said sitting down in his bed

I then heard music start playing "is there already people here" he asked "I don't know I haven't gone downstairs" I said

"Okay then lets head down now" he said spraying some of his cologne on himself and we headed downstairs

There was a lot of people already here mostly guys which I'm not surprised

"Yah Jeongin happy birthday man" Felix came up to Jeongin and I left them by themselves and went to go get a drink

"Hey" I looked at my right "hi" I said while looking at Minho

"We haven't spoken in a while why haven't you texted me" he said "because I don't want to besides last time that we spoke you treated me like if I was a piece of property" I said

"Right" he smiled "you look hot" he said "I know" I took a sip of my drink and walked away and then got pushed into the wall

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