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I curled my hair since I didn't have anything to do

Ding Dong

"Hmm I wonder who it is" I asked my self as I finished curling my hair and went to the door to opened it

"Ava hey" it was Dino "hi" I said opening the door

"Do you have any plans for tonight or do you have work" he asked "ah sadly I have work" I said letting him in

"Oh dang I was planning on watching movies and pulling an all nighter" he said "awww maybe when I come back" I said

"Okay then" he said "can I take you" he said "um to the club oh no it's fine Jeognin takes me" I said

"Why don't you have car" he asked "um yeah but he wants to take me it's a thing between us" I said and he nodded

"Um you wanna pull the all nighter after then" he said "sure all though depends cause sometimes I be really tired when I get off work like really really tired" I said

"Oh okay then just call me when your on your way back" he said "okay I will" I said

"Well I'll be leaving now bye see you later" he said "see you later" I smiled at him as I closed the door

I wonder what Hyunjin is doing

I haven't seen him since Monday


Why do I even care about him

Agh he's so annoying get out of my mind


"You trynna go to club later" I asked Jungkook "nah actually I'm trying to stay away from clubs my cousin you know Vanessa right" he asked

"I mean I dated her for a while yeah" I said "well she presented me her friend because her friend wanted to get a tattoo removed and gosh she so beautiful so I'm trynna stay loyal to her" he said

"But your not dating her how are you stay loyal" I asked "Aish Jaehyun this is why you can't get a girlfriend" he said and we got our drinks

"What does you trying to be loyal to a girl that your not even dating have to do with me not being able to keep a girlfriend" I said

"Right how dare I compare my love life with yours" he said and I rolled my eyes as we headed out "so what's her name" I asked

"Her names Ava but they also call her Crystal" he said "Aish why does she have to be named like my sister" I said as we turned the corner

"Oh shit" I bumped into someone and they dropped their stuff "I'm so sorry" I said helping them

"No it's fine I'm the one that was distracted" she said grabbing a folder from my hand and we made eye contact




She smiled at me "hi um my folder" she said "oh um yes sorry" I said as we stood up

"Um I'm Jaehyun" I said sticking my hand out "oh I'm Eunbin" she shook my hand

Wow her hands are soft

"Um can I have my hand back" she said "I'm so sorry yes um did any of your stuff get ruined" I asked

"Ah no everything's fine thankyou for asking tho" she said and I nodded

"Bye"she said walking away "bye" I smiled

"Dude a bugs gonna go in your mouth close it" Jungkook said and I rolled my eyes

"Wow she's so beautiful" I said looking at her as she kept walking away

"Wow" I scratched the back of my neck "anyways um so yeah her name is Ava but they also call her Crystal" he said

"Is she a stripper too" I asked and he nodded "yeah she is Crystal is her stage name" he said "and you're okay with what she does with her kissing other man sleeping with others" I said

"Hey man I'm not you okay I know that's the reason you left Vanessa but you knew she loved dancing and if Crystal also loves dancing it's not really her fault that she has to make out with other man and sleep with them" he said

"Okay then well I have to go Wheein and I are gonna go visit the house that our sister lives in" I said "alright then bye see you later" he said and I got in my car


"Yah Hyunjin no stop" she laughed trying to stop me from tickling her "haha yah" she yelled and I looked at her "you're so beautiful Ava" I smiled and gave her a peck

"I love you" I said "that's how much you love me" she asked and I give her another kiss "mmm that doesn't prove anything" she said and I started kissing all over her face and finally gave her a deep kiss

"Daddy mommy" I heard yelling as they ran inside the bedroom and started jumping in the bed

"Hi my babies" I held them "I love you Hyunjin" she said "I love you more" I said and kissed her

"Pillow fight" she said and threw a pillow at me

I opened my eyes




"Fuck what was that dream" I sat up from taking a nap

Ding Dong

Aish I hope it's not Dayna I'm getting tired of her ass

Knock knock

Fuck it is for me

"Come in"  I said fixing my bed "ah son" I turned "oh hey dad" I said and put my shirt on

"Were you sleeping" he asked "ah yeah I was taking a quick nap but I had a nightmare so I got up already" I said

"Oh okay so I need to talk to you about the company" he said "yes what happened" I asked

He sat down on the chair and I sat in my bed "so as you know Jeongin is gonna take over half the company here in Korea" I nodded

"I want you to-" "sir sir sir" the butler came in "what is" my dad asked

"Mrs. Hwang has passed out she's in the guest living room"

"What" my dad got up and we headed downstairs running

"Oh gosh what happened" my dad asked and I looked at the guy and girl

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