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I woke up and looked at the time


Damn what a nap

My headache did go away tho

I got up and got my phone

"Mmmm I need to go home already" I stretched

I headed out the room "ah you're finally awake" Jeongin said "oh hey I'm going home already" I said "okay then bye" he hugged me "bye" I said

I headed to the front door and got in my car then drove away


I parked my car and got my bags with groceries and yes I'm out of groceries even tho I just got them like Wednesday

I got in the elevator "uhh I should make some pasta pasta sound good right now"

I got out the elevator and got my key and unlocked the door then closed it after I went in

I put my groceries on the cabinet and quickly put them away so that I don't forget

Ding Dong

"Hmmm who could it be" I walked to the door and opened it "oh Dino hi" I said

"Hey um can I come in" he said "oh um yeah" I said opening the door more and he came in and I closed it

"Um I wanted to say sorry about what happened yesterday I acted like an ass I'm really sorry for that" he said "it's fine" I said

"You don't sound to sure" he said "no believe me I am it's just that you can't be getting jealous when ever I go out because I go out with Jeongin not any other person" I said

"I know I'm sorry I just hate Hyunjin so much that it makes me mad when I think that you're going to go with him" he said and I shook my head

"Well like I said you can't be getting jealous Dino besides we're not dating for you to be acting like that" I said

"Jeez you don't have to remind me of that" he said "well how can I make it up to you" he looked at me

"Do you know how to make pasta" I said "yes" he nodded

"Okay then make me dinner" I said "okay" we headed to the kitchen

"Is there any type that you like" he asked "yes but I've been really craving chicken Alfredo with like spinach" I said

"Mmm that sounds good" he said and I nodded "okay I'll see" he said and I sat down on the chair while looking at him

"Oh you know what I went grocery shopping earlier and bought some bread let me go get it so that we can eat it with the pasta" he said

"Okay" I nodded as he went out the door I went to my room and got my iPad that Hyunjin gifted me and my blue light glasses

I heard knocking and went to open it "alright I brought the bread" he said "yum" I smiled at him

I sat back on the chair out my glasses on and opened an app where I have books saved (is there an app like that 🤔)

I continued reading the book as he cooked

He stood across from me while cutting the chicken and I looked at him

Wow he slices the chicken so nice

He has nice hands why am I noticing that just now

"What are you doing" he asked "oh I'm I'm reading a book" I said "what's it called" he asked

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