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"Hyunjin" he looked at me

"No I don't there's this girl that trynna get at me but I don't want her at all" he said "who" I asked

"Your friends little sister" he said "Dayna" I asked and he nodded

"Anyways I wanna ask something but you're probably gonna say no" he said "then don't ask" I interrupted

"You wanna be friends" I looked at him confused "with benefits" I gave him the really bitch look

"No" I said "come on no one has to know we can pretend we hate each other in front of everyone" he said and got close to me

"I kinda told Nessa already" I said "what that we fucked" he asked and I nodded "oh have you told Jeongin" he asked

"No have you" I asked him "no" he said

"You haven't answered me" he said and I looked at him "so you're only gonna look for me when you wanna fuck" I asked and he nodded "what about you're stripper" I asked

"What about her" he said "I'm pissed at her and I'm sure she's busy fucking other man at the moment" he said

"What if she's here" I said walking to him and wrapping my arms around his neck "what" he asked

"What if Crystals here because Vanessa invited her" I said "what crystals here" he said and I nodded then shook my head

"No she's not here I was playing with you but you are like in love with her huh" I said and he rolled his eyes

"I agree" I said "you do" he asked and I nodded "yeah" I said "we should get more drinks let's go friend with benefits" I said and he giggled

We headed out the restroom "I think all those drinks you've had are already hitting you" I said "no they're not uhhhh we should see who can drink two shots with out any chaser" I said

"Sure why not" he said and we headed to the bar "four shots please" he ordered them as we sat down

"Okay both shots have to come down okay" I said grabbing both my shot cups "can you count to three please" I said to the bartender and she nodded

"One...two...three" I drank both shots and looked at him "okay okay" I said "no I need" lime he said and bit the lime "hah looser" I said

"Nah redo redo" he said "no you already lost give me one hundred dollars" I said

"Come on you already have free sex with me let's do a redo" he said "fine" I said

"This time four shots" he said "what" I looked at him "what you wanna chicken out" he said "no" I said

"One...two...three" I drank the four shots and looked at Hyunjin he had a serious face

"Oh my gosh it burns" I got the lime and bit it "hah whose the looser now" he said and I flicked him off

"Come on give me my hundred dollars" he said "uhhh I don't have cash right now" I said

"Really not even in your boobs" he said "uhh let me check" I said and he got up and started looking two "ahh here's where I left it" I took out my vape and hit it and blew it in Hyunjins face

"Oh is that blue raspberry" he said and I nodded "you want some" I said handing it to him "shit with some of your boob sweat why not" he said and I laughed

"I think we're drunk" I said and he nodded while blowing the smoke in my face "mmmmm I love that scent" I smirked at him

"Can I have a mimosa please" I said to the bartender and he nodded "wow you look blurry" he said "you're probably getting high" I said taking the vape from him and hitting it

"Here you go" said the bar tender "thankyou you're so nice" I said smiling at him and took a sip

"Wow this is so good" I said "Hyunjin try this" I gave him the cup and he took a sip "oh wow that is good" he said and took another sip

"Hey hey hey ask for your own that's mine" I said taking it from him and took a sip "mmmm delicious"

"Are we drunk" he asked "I don't know are we"  I looked at him

"Haha I think we are" he said I took a big sip of my mimosa "it's so good I don't want it to finish" I said hugging the cup

Hyunjin started laughing "let's dance" he said and I looked at him "let's dance" he pulled me by my arm I chugged my drink and put the cup down

"Woooooo" I screamed as we started dancing


"Okay maybe we should go home already" Jeongin said as we started at a drunk Ava and a drunk Hyunjin

"What happened to them hating each other" I said "I mean they probably don't even notice who they're dancing with" Jeongin said

"Did you see them when they were sitting down they were both looking inside of Ava's dress" I said "yes and then she took out a vape" he said and I nodded

"They're gonna regret it tomorrow they're probably high and drunk" I said "yeah we should get going already" he said

"Um you take Ava in my car and I'll take Hyunjin in his yeah" he said and I nodded as he gave me his key

We walked to them "okay guys it's time to go" Jeongin said grabbing Hyunjin by his arm "yo little bro look isn't she a beauty I just met he right now" Hyunjin said

"Yeah yeah let's go give me your key" Jeongin said going through Hyunjins pockets

"Alright let's go" he said and I held Ava "Oh Nessa hi I have a secret hehe" she said "sure I wonder what that secret is" I said as we headed out to the parking lot

"Hyunjin and I fucked but shhhh you can't tell Jeongin" she said "don't worry your secret is safe with me" I said taking her inside the car and I put the seatbelt on her

"Let's head to the house" Jeongin said "ok I'll follow you" I said going inside the car "mmmm uhhhh can we play music" Ava said

"Sure what do you want to listen to" I said turning on the radio "uhh I know" she said and took out her phone from her boobs

"Mmm this one" she said and started playing the song as I drove off

"Baby, I'm just trynna play cool but I just can't hide that I want you~" she kept singing the whole ride

BFB {Hyunjin SKZ} S1Where stories live. Discover now