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One week later

I laid in my bed thinking about the conversation Hyunjin had with me as Crystal

"Why does this happen to me"

Jungkooks giving me the last flower today and he said he wanted it to be after I went to work

I'm nervous but exited we've been going out a lot he's so sweet and caring

"Ugh I'll order some food" i ordered some food then got up from my bed and showered then put on some sweats and a long sleeve crop top

Ding Dong

"Yes right on time" I went to the door and got my food "yummm" I started eating


I sat in the balcony as I looked outside "ugh it feels kinda boring today" I looked down at the cars

I then started hearing yelling from outside the door


I got out the elevator and headed to Ava's apartment as I passed Dino's door it opened

"Oppa" Dayna jumped on me and started kissing me "get the fuck off me" I pushed her away

"Noooo" she yelled and pulled me towards her "please Hyunjin what did I do for you to break up with me" she said

I looked at her "break up with you bitch please we never dated you're just one of the bitches I sleep with" I said

"Liar I know you want me" she said "yeah I want you to leave me alone" I headed to Ava's door

"No you're mine not hers" she pulled me back and I pushed her against the wall and held her by her neck

"I'm not yours okay we never dated you were just one of the body's I've had it's not my fault that you fell for me and want to date me I would never go out with anyone specially not someone like you" I said

"What's going on" I looked at my left and saw Ava standing in her door way

"She's the only one that could possibly own me and believe me we like each other so much" I whispered in her ear "prove it she's probably gonna push you away since she's dating that guy" she smirked at me

"Hyunjin what happened" Ava asked "ok" I told Dayna and walked to Ava and kissed her she started kissing me back

I took my hands to his face and closed my eyes and kissed him back we then heard a door close

I pulled away and looked at him "is this a bad time" i looked behind him



"Jungkook" I went to him and he walked away "no wait Jungkook it's not what you think" I said holding his hand and he pulled away

"Then what the fuck is it Ava" he asked"hey dude she's right it's not what you think" Hyunjin came from around the corner

"I was just trynna get rid of some girl that kept bothering me" he said

BFB {Hyunjin SKZ} S1Where stories live. Discover now