Chapter 5

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Boses pov:
Mika: Uh.. nothing sir. We were just getting back to the classroom.

Teacher: I said I don't care what you do, just don't leave the classroom!

Chapa: We will try to follow that rule from now on.

*We follow the teacher to the classroom and sit in our seats*

Teacher: Ok since you guys can't stay still have some work for you.

Miles: For all of us?!

You: Please don't make us write on yellow notepads, those are so flimsy and weak.

Teacher: Watch your mouth y/n, I can easily put you in detention again.

Mika: What is it you want us to do?

Teacher: Fix the problem that got you in here.

*Everyone goes silent, we're all confused*

Boy: Is that supposed to be some sort of riddle?

Teacher: No, fix what got you in here. You 5 (pointing to you and the DF kids) got in the middle of Mr James and Miss Betty's relationship. Fix it.

You: You want us to fix Miss Betty and Mr James's relationship? Is that a joke, we're 17 year old kids!

Teacher: I don't care, fix it.

Your pov:
*Its now almost 11pm and the whole group is hanging out at Chapas house*

You: Does anyone get what the teacher said today?

Ella: I don't even know what the teachers name is.

Mika: His name is Mr John, he's uh Miss Inez's brother.

Miles: Inez, like the woman that told Miss Betty about Mr James cheating with Miss Augustine?

Bose: Wait wait, I think I know a way that we can do what "Mr John" wanted us to do.

Chapa: You know how we can fix Mr James and Miss Betty's relationship?

Bose: Yeah.

Ella: I swear if it's something dumb I'm leaving.

Bose: Oh please, I've grown up now.

You: He legit saved me when some dude in a mask slit my throat.

Bose: That's a story for another day (brainstorm x y/n pt: 1, chapter 19-20), anyways onto my amazing idea. I think if we get Mr James, Miss Augustine and Miss Betty in the same room we can get them to fix it themselves, I mean, what can we do we're 17.

Miles: That is actually...half decent.

Ella: Looks like you HAVE grown up.

Mika: So are we doing this idea?

You: I guess so, but can we please get some sleep first.

Boses pov:
*The next day we go to school and get to our first class, everyone has the same class except for y/n and I*

Bose: How ironic is it that we both have Mr James today.

You: Even more ironic that the others have Miss Betty.

Bose: You know, it's been a while since we had a class together.

You: It's been a while since I've been at school with, you know, the uh incident.

Bose: We don't need to talk about what happened because you're joining danger force, right?

You: Bose, I've told you many times that I'll tell you once I know. I'm still not sure if it's safe or not.

Bose: Of course it is, every time you're with me you don't get hurt.

You: Every time I'm with DANGER FORCE I don't get hurt.

Bose: And that's why you need to join us, I mean, you have powers.

You: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But that doesn't matter, I've barely used them.

Bose: I can teach you again?

You: Please just focus on what we need to do now and we can talk about the "me joining danger force" thing later.

Your pov:
Bose: Mr James, we need you to come with us.

Mr James: What are you guys, the police? What is this for?

You: Please don't ask questions, just come.

*You and Bose lead your teacher to another classroom that's empty. You see that Mika, Miles, Chapa and Ella are already there with Miss Betty.*

Chapa: Oh good, now we can get this done with.

Mika: Wait hold on! We have to get Miss Augustine.

Miles, go with Bose and get her.

*After a few minutes the boys come back with Miss Augustine and lead her in between Mr James and Miss Betty.*

Miss Betty: What is this, what are you kids doing?

Miles: Trying to fix whatever is happening between you guys.

Miss Augustine: Excuse me! A teachers life has nothing to do with you kids!

Chapa: Just solve whatever is happening and we'll watch.

Mr James: There is nothing to solve!

Miss Betty: Oh there very much is! (To Mr James). You decided to go off with another woman and leave me.

Mr James: And I want you back now!

Miss Augustine: And leave me?! I thought I knew you James.

Miss Betty: So did I, but I guess we were both wrong.

Mr James: Ladies please!

Miss Betty: No!

Miss Augustine: Goodbye James!
See that's better! I actually kinda like this ending. Ok see ya tomorrow, I have a few more ideas so stay tuned...

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