Chapter 10

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Your pov:

*You're just chilling in your room, watching tik tok when you get a text message*

Did you miss my messages?
Not at all
You love me and you know it
What do you want.
Meet me at the park today at 9pm.
Why so late?
So no one sees us together
Whatever, ill see you there
I love you, you know that?
I hate you, you know that?
*You go back to watching tik toks when suddenly your door opens are Bose walks in*

You: What are you doing here?

Bose: I just wanted to check up with you, you know, because of that social media post.

You: Im fine, i mean, that post was really stupid and i really want to know who it is. But, im fine.

Bose: I heard you groaning at your phone, did something happen?

You: That person texted me again.

Bose: Gosh, what did they say?

You: They want to meet at the park tonight, please can you guys come?

Bose: Of course, the last time we left you alone you almost got killed.

You: Thanks

Bose: I dont want to loose you again, y/n.

You: Seriously Bose, come sit next to me on my bed.

*Bose walks over and places his lips onto yours, you accept and wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.*

Bose: Gosh i missed doing that.

Boses pov:
*Its now 9pm and I'm driving the whole group to the park to see who this dude is*

Chapa: So what's the plan again?

Mika: We spy from the car while y/n confronts that dude that's been texting her.

You: I'm scared

Bose: Don't worry, we'll be right here, just remember to have me on call so we can hear what's happening.

Ella: Yeah yeah now hurry up! I wanna see who this person is!

*Y/n walks out of the car and to a bench, I suddenly get a ring from my phone. She's calling me, i pick up and hear her. I watch as a figure comes up to her and starts talking to her.*

You: So you're the person who's been stalking me.

Figure: And you're the person who was actually brave enough to confront her stalker.

You: Why did you want to meet me here?

Figure: I want you to do something for me.

Chapa: What, I know think I remember that person. (Whispering)
Can y'all guess who it is?

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