Chapter 19

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Your pov:
Principal: Just wait a second while I call your year captain to escort you from the school ,y/n.

You: There is no need, I can get off school property on my own accord.

Principal: No no, y/n. We can't have you sneaking away otherwise your suspicion will be extended.

*An older kid comes enters the office, your year captain.*

Year Captain: I'm here, if you would follow me y/n I will happily escort you off the grounds.

You: Yea yea, I'm coming.

*You follow your year captain past the cafeteria and towards the school doors. Suddenly, you see a 2 familiar faces, Chapa and Bose. Your captain isn't looking so you sneak off just as the lunch bell rings.*

Chapa: I can't believe you actually managed to
sneak away, now the plan can actually start.

You: We've got to tell the principal to get a more attentive year captain, that one didn't even know anything happened.

Bose: Do you think you should start doing what that person told you to do?

You: Text Glerp? How about we try to get the word out of them first and then we use that as a plan B.

Boses pov:
*"We walk into the cafeteria and to our table where everyone is waiting for us; Mika, Miles, Ella and even Louis."*

Mika: You made it, y/n!

You: Surprisingly. I'm so lucky that our year captain is so oblivious, I snuck away like nothing!

Miles: So let's get this plan going?

Louis: Wait what plan?

Ella: You've missed so much, y/n got suspended because of a rumor someone posted of her.

You: I didn't even doing anything, I was framed!

Chapa: Anyways, we're trying to find the person who posted it and get them to admit that it was fake.

Louis: Can I get in on this plan?

Bose: I actually have something for you to do.
You're one of the more popular people out of us so can you see if you can get one of your other friends to admit something?

Louis: I'll try.

You: Thanks. Now, how are we supposed to get this person to admit their lie?

Chapa: We said we would post something about them but I don't think that would work now. We could try to get the truth out of that other dude?

You: He's right over there. (Pointing to the corner) We could it try now.

Your pov:
*You, Chapa, Bose and the twins go to the person to confront them*

Chapa: Tell us who did it, who posted the rumour!

Person: I thought I told you, y/n, do what I told you to do and I'll tell you who did it.

You: Tell us. now.

Bose: Chapa, zap him.

Mika: But-

*Chapa zaps the person and they squeal a little*

Chapa: It's fine, he'll forget it later.

Person: Ugh fine! The person who posted the rumor was...

You: Tell us!

Person: It was Louis!

Bose: What?!

Person: Louis posted the rumour!

*You just walk away, it the table where Ella and Louis are still sitting.*

You: How could you?! I got suspended because of your fake rumour!

Louis: I'm sorry you had to find out this way! I really didn't mean to post that, I was forced to!

You: How?! It was off YOUR phone, it was YOUR words, YOU knew all the secrets! YOU knew everything and YOU posted it!

Louis: I was forced to post it! There was some masked dude threatening me to post that rumour about you! I tried to fight back, y/n, but he was really creepy!

You: Wait a m-masked man?
That's a better ending! Also if y'all didn't notice I added like an extra 200 words so ya welcome!

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