Chapter 21

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Boses pov:
*"Its morning now and I still can't find y/n, I go downstairs to see if she's already at breakfast but she's not there. I even get my mum to call y/n s parents to see if she went home but she's not there"*

Bose: Do you think she's mad at me?

Chapa: Well, what did you do to her to make her mad?

Bose: Nothing, we were just getting dressed and she disappeared.

Chapa: What were you two doing before that?

Bose: Watching a movie... and uh cuddling?

Chapa: Geez, I didn't need to know that much detail but uh, thanks for sharing.

Bose: I don't know what to do Chapa. Do you think that she went to confront her stalker without us?

Chapa: That would be the stupid thing to do, but yet again that's what y/n has been doing a lot lately. Yea, there's a possible chance she might have confronted her stalker.

Bose: Shoot! Why does she keep doing this to me, I'm just trying to protect her, and she just lets herself get hurt!

Chapa: You can't get mad now Bose, we have to find her first before she does anything worse than what she's trying to do now.

Bose: When we finally find her, she's going to hear everything I have to say.

Your pov:

You: Is this seriously what I have to do to make you leave me alone?

Stalker: If you want me to leave permanently then yes, now open the door.

You: But I-

Stalker: Oh, shut it, I know you have some sort of keycard now that you're in Danger Force, now open the door!

*Its nighttime and you and your stalker are sneaking into the man's nest to do whatever he wants to do. You open the door and you both enter*

Stalker: Take this bag and help me. (giving you a duffle bag)

*You open the bag and see what's inside, explosives...*

You: What are you trying to do?

Stalker: What does it look like? Place a few around the man's nest and then we can move on to activating them.

You: Absolutely not.

Stalker: Do it or I kill you. (Taking a knife from his pocket and placing it on your back)

*You comply and start placing small explosives around the room*

You: If I help you place these, will you promise that none of my friends will be in here while you do... uh explode this place?

Stalker: If you follow my commands then maybe I'll consider not blowing up your friends.

*END FLASHBACK- it's now morning and you're heading towards Bose's house*

Boses pov:
Bose: Since we're going to be busy today would you consider skipping school today?

Chapa: Of course, ill text the others that we're not going to be there, maybe they might want to join.

*We're walking to the man's nest when we bump into someone...*

Bose: Y/n! Where were. you?!

You: Listen Bose I'm sorry I just got really tired and left, sorry I forgot to tell you.

Chapa: So, you weren't confronting your stalker?

You: No? I was going to do that with you guys today.

*We all make it to the man's nest and see the horrible scene that is the man's nest rigged up to an explosive system, with y/n s stalker standing in front of it*

Stalker: Glad you guys are finally here.

Chapa: I'm calling Mika and Miles, they need to be here. (Whispering to me)

*I follow Chapa a bit back forgetting that y/n was there too. When I turn back I see that she's talking to her stalker, then I hear what she's saying...*

You: I don't want to do this anymore, I helped you with all this now just leave me alone.

Your pov:
Bose: Y/n, we need to talk. Now.

You: Whats wrong Bose? (A little worried)

*Bose grabs your arm and drags you to the side of the building*

Bose: Will you please explain to me what the hell this is?! (Pointing to the building)

You: I-I don't know a-anything-

Bose: LIAR! You know what this is, you did it for heavens sake! Tell me why you would do this?!

You: Bose, please l-let me e-explain. I-I didn't mean t-to!

Bose: Of course you did! You went out and met with your stalker and did this! You then lied to me about it and now you're lying again!

You: Bose please!


You: Bose please! Let me explain!

Bose: No! You're out of Danger Force and you're leaving Swellview!
Aaand that's it! Epic ending this time! Also let me know if you want me to add a little post- story scene. That's the Brainstorm x Y/N series done. Feel free to read my other stories and stay tuned for more info.

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