Chapter 12

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Boses pov:
Mika: Schwoz, are you gonna help us or not?!

Schwoz (on the phone): Yes yes, I just need to finish my sandwich!

Chapa: Finish that sandwich or I will zap it off you through the phone!

Schwoz: Aye!

Bose: Can you guys hurry up with that location, we've been driving in different directions for like an hour!

Miles: Just calm down Bose, we'll find your girlfriend soon!

Schwoz: I'm trying to connect the tracker to the board give me a second!

Miles: Hurry Schwoz, we don't have that much time!

Schwoz: I got it! Her location is up on the screen here, it says she at some abandoned warehouse?

Ella: Hurry up then!

Bose: Hold on, I'm putting the location on the gps. Brace yourselves!

*I smash the accelerator at we go flying through the highway and to the warehouse*

Mika: Wait, before we go in we should blow a bubble. If we go in as ourselves then the person will know our identities.

Chapa: Agreed

*We all blow bubbles and transform into Danger Force.*

AWOL: Ok Ella you wait here in the car, we won't be long.

Your pov:
Figure: Do you get the plan?

You: I really hate you.

Figure: Don't test me, love. I have a knife in my hands and it can easily rip your skin off.

You: I highly doubt that, if you "love" me so much then you would hurt m-

*You watch in horror as a cut appears over your wrist and blood begins to spew out slowly*

Figure: Gosh that felt nice.

You: Just let me go! I'll do whatever you want just let me leave.

Figure: Just wait, I'm pretty sure that your friends are coming to save you so you'll be able to "deliver your tragic news"

You: You already know how this ended last time what makes you think that it won't be the same now?

Figure: Be. Quiet. (Grabbing your other wrist and placing another cut on it)

You: If you would stop cutting me I would stop screaming and you would have no noice!

Figure: I like it when you scream though, I actually missed it in that tiny cell.

You: Oh great! So you won't miss it when you end up back there again!

*You close your eyes and brace for impact when suddenly the door slams open*

Brainstorms pov:
Volt: Seriously dude, again?

ShoutOut: Can't you just leave y/n alone, like, you aren't gonna pull her if she's already been pulled.

Brainstorm: Sorry dude, I just got to her first.
Maybe in the next life you can be with her?

Figure: Nonsense! Just watch her, her life's slowly draining from her!

*I watch as he pulls y/n up from the ground and slams the knife through her stomach. It just makes it worse that she falls to the ground and slowly begins to go pale as the blood spews out a little faster.*

Brainstorm: Y/n!

Figure: Careful buddy, you get to close and I rip that pretty face of hers off.

AWOL: Dude, you need to calm down, don't be jealous that Brainstorm here managed to pull the girl you wanted!

Figure: It's not just about how he stole her from me, it's more of that she needs to be punished anyways.

*He pulls her up and rips the knife out from her*

Figure: She has an announcement for you guys, right? (Placing the knife in on her back)

You: G-guys, I d-decided that I-I'm joining h-him and leaving D-danger Force.
That's a better ending, uh y'all I kinda fell asleep for a few hours. Dw I'll make more chapters that are longer!

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