Chapter 18

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Your pov:
You: Uh, hi?

Teacher: You are coming with me to the principal's office and your little boyfriend here is going back to class before he earns a detention! (grabbing your arm)

Bose: Hey, you can't touch her like that!

Teacher: I assure you that I can Mr. O Brian. Now head to class before its a month detention!

You: I'll be fine just tell the others. (Whispering)

*You follow the teacher as they take you to the office and sit you in front of the principal*

Principal: Y/n? What a surprise that you're here. I thought I told you that you were suspended and yet, here you are, here at Swellview Junior High doing whatever rebellious thing you were doing.

You: There is a reason I promise.

Principal: And what may that be?

You: That social media post about me is not true. I'm here because i want to find out who posted it and why they would create a rumor like that.

Principal: You aren't supposed to be on school property without permission y/n. I don't care if it's an 'important reason' you are still not supposed to be at school while on suspension.

You: But please, I need to be her and fix this. I was wrongly accused and i need to know who did it!

Boses pov:
*"I'm walking to class and can't help but think about how y/n could be doing right now. I hope that she isn't going to get kicked out again. I walk into the classroom and sit next to Chapa who's shocked that I'm there"*

Chapa: Did you get caught?!

Bose: Sadly, yes. A teacher found us in there and grabbed y/n by the arm to take her to the principal. Then she yelled at me to go to class.

Chapa: They took y/n to the office?! Gosh, how is our plan going to work now?!

Bose: I don't know but there was something else that happened while we were in the bathroom...

Chapa: Well, what is it?!

Bose: Y/n got a call from someone to meet her in front of the library and they told her that they knew who posted the rumor. We both went and the dude told her that shell have to complete some tasks for him before he reveals who posted the rumor.

Chapa: Wait, someone knows who posted that?
Hold on, I have an idea, what if we find that person and just like force them to tell us the name of the person who created the rumor?
Lame ending, sorry for that really late post but I assure you that it was for a good cause.

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