Hells angel

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Hells angel
Chapter 5.

Michael's footsteps echoed through the vast and silent hallway, the only sound besides his footfalls was the faint chirping of his shoes against the polished marble floor. The walls, adorned with intricate paintings, seemed to watch over his journey. He turned left, passing by rows of closed doors lining both sides, each one a mystery veiled by wood and metal. The golden floor beneath him shimmered with embedded white diamond shapes, reflecting the ambient light and adding a touch of ethereal elegance to the corridor.

Approaching his destination, Michael stopped before a brown door. With a practiced motion, he reached out, his hand hovering over the doorknob. The metallic click as it turned broke the hallway's silence, signaling his entry into the room.

Inside, a serene scene greeted him. Jesus sat on the sandy beach, his gaze fixed upon the tranquil waters ahead. The sky above was a canvas of clarity, devoid of any clouds. Unique plants dotted the horizon, one particularly large and majestic at the ocean's edge, its hues blending in harmony with the surroundings. Birds soared gracefully, their melodic chirping adding to the peaceful ambiance.

The door Michael had just passed through seemed almost surreal, standing alone without any connection to surrounding walls. It hinted at a portal to another realm, where verdant grass, vibrant trees, and creatures unseen on Earth thrived just beyond its threshold.

With purposeful steps, Michael approached Jesus, the sound of sand crunching beneath his feet drawing Jesus's attention. As Jesus turned, the crunching sound ceased, replaced by the soft whispers of the ocean's song and the gentle rustle of leaves from the unseen world beyond the door.

"Hey, I came down to talk." Michael settled beside Jesus, the contrast of their appearances stark against the serene beach backdrop. Jesus, with his curly black afro and piercing yellow eyes, exuded a calmness that matched the tranquil surroundings. He wore a white cloak adorned with a hoodie, embodying a blend of casualness and divine presence.

"It's crazy, huh? That Lucifer gets his kingdom," Michael remarked, his voice carrying a mixture of frustration and incredulity.

"Why do you care so much?" Jesus's tone was calm, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within Michael.

"Because it's not fair how he gets a reward for making bad decisions, and it's setting a bad example for others," Michael explained, his concern evident in his words.

"Then why don't you talk to God about it?" Jesus's suggestion cut through the tension, offering a simple yet profound solution.

"You know, that's not a bad idea," Michael acknowledged, a glimmer of resolve in his eyes.

With a sudden realization, Michael rose from the sand, tiny grains cascading from his clothes. "I gotta go. We'll talk later," he said, the urgency in his voice reflecting the weight of their conversation.

Meanwhile, in a solemn office, Lucifer and God engaged in a momentous exchange. God presented two scrolls adorned with Enochian writings, symbols of immense power and authority.

"I need you to sign these scrolls," God spoke, his voice carrying the weight of divine decree. "You signing it means you own Hell, Earth, including the humans."

"I get it all, just by signing that?" Lucifer's incredulity mirrored Michael's earlier sentiments.

"Well... not all," God clarified, introducing a layer of complexity to the seemingly straightforward offer. "You'll have some rights over the things I'm giving you."

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