creation and destruction

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Chapter 11 creation and destruction.

As the woman in the sleek black dress glided down the pristine white hallway, her every step echoed like a haunting melody, drawing the attention of the angelic beings nearby. Their whispers fluttered in the air like delicate feathers as they observed her with a mixture of shock and awe, instinctively keeping their distance.

The rhythmic clack of her black high heels against the polished floor reverberated through the corridor, punctuating the silence with a sense of purpose. Her dress, a stark contrast against the purity of the surroundings, flowed gracefully above her knees, accentuating her every movement. Long, dark curls cascaded down her back like a veil of night, framing porcelain skin adorned with the bold hue of black lipstick. Even her nails, painted to match, exuded an aura of mystique.

As she reached her destination, her hand poised to grasp the door handle, a hush fell over the hallway. With a decisive motion, she pushed open the door and entered the room, where Michael and God sat in solemn conversation. The atmosphere crackled with tension as all eyes turned towards her, their gazes lingering in anticipation of her next move.

Michael's voice broke through the stunned silence, his eyes widening in disbelief as he uttered a single word: "Mom." The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, his shock palpable.

Beside him, God remained stoic, his expression unreadable, as if veiled by an impenetrable mask of neutrality. Despite the revelation, his demeanor betrayed no hint of emotion, leaving an air of mystery surrounding his reaction.

"Why are you here, Mara?" God's voice, though calm, carried an undertone of displeasure, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. His tone betrayed a sense of unease, as if her presence disrupted the delicate balance of the celestial realm.

"I wanted to see my kids, obviously. Where's Lucifer?" Mara's eyes scanned the room in a sarcastic manner, as if expecting him to magically appear before her.

God paused for a moment, his gaze steady as he met Mara's. "He's away right now," he replied cryptically, his tone giving nothing away.

"I already know what you did with him. I just wanted to see if you're still lying like you always do," Mara's accusation reverberated in the room, challenging the very foundation of their interaction.

"When are you gonna stop with this project? It's unhealthy for all of us," Mara's voice carried a mixture of frustration and concern, her words laced with a raw honesty that cut through the facade.

God's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of recognition danced in his eyes at her words.

"Always playing pretend. Don't you ever get tired of acting?" Mara's question hung in the air, a challenge to the very essence of their existence.

"Michael, please leave the room," God's voice was firm, yet gentle, as he addressed his archangel without breaking eye contact with Mara. The air crackled with tension as Michael hesitated for a moment before nodding silently and exiting the room, leaving Mara and God alone to confront the complexities of their relationship.

Michael glanced back before he left, his voice carrying a mix of emotions. "I'm glad you're home, Mom," he said softly, before walking out and closing the door behind him.

Mara's gaze softened for a moment as she glanced back at God, a small smile playing on her lips. "Cut the crap, John," she said, her tone a blend of familiarity and jest, as she raised both her hands in a mocking peace sign gesture.

God's smug expression faltered slightly at Mara's retort, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed her words.

"And, yeah, Azrael told me what happened," Mara continued, her voice tinged with a mixture of defiance and exasperation. "And I had to come because you're always putting others through hell for your own game." Her words hung in the air, a challenge to the divine authority that governed their existence.

"So what, are you going to fight me?" God's voice carried a hint of amusement, his smile widening as he met Mara's gaze head-on, the tension between them crackling like lightning in the air.

She closed the distance between them, her movements deliberate as she leaned in, her hands resting firmly on his desk. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she met his gaze head-on. "Let me guess, he's in the cage too," Mara said, her tone laced with a hint of sarcasm as she awaited his response, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Why do you keep doing this? Doesn't it get old?" Mara's voice carried a note of weariness, her question cutting through the tension-filled air like a knife.

"Be careful, Mara. I will personally lock you away forever," God's voice held a steely edge, his words echoing with the weight of divine authority. "Because ever since I've been creating, you've always destroyed my worlds, and that right there gets old. Now, how about you leave and go back to whatever you came from? They don't miss you, after all. You left them." His words were a stern admonishment, tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

"You say you're here to save Lucifer, but that's not why you're here," God's voice rang out, his tone firm and commanding. "You want to destroy this world and me, because that's all you can do. I am creation, and you are destruction." His words carried the weight of divine authority, underscoring the eternal struggle between creation and destruction.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy any of your creations. I won't destroy you either," Mara's words dripped with venom as she spoke, her grin widening with each syllable. "But I will imprison you, forever until the end of time, because you're a manipulative, self-centered bastard who cares about no one but himself." Her gaze hardened, unyielding in its resolve, as she awaited his response. "But if you're considering a fight, John, I would love a fight."

"So be it," God's smirk mirrored Mara's own, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes.

As the tension reached its zenith, Mara and God stood locked in a silent duel, their gazes clashing like thunderbolts in the celestial realm. Each word they uttered hung in the air like a charged particle, crackling with the intensity of their confrontation. Mara's stance was unwavering, her muscles coiled like a tightly wound spring, ready to unleash her defiance at a moment's notice.

With a wave of his hand, God summoned the angels, their forms materializing around Mara in a surreal display of divine power. Their wings are unfurled. Each angel bore features that defied earthly logic, with heads adorned with the visages of animals twisted in unearthly forms.

Their presence engulfed Mara, a tangible force that sought to contain her rebellious spirit. But Mara remained unyielding, her smirk a testament to her unwavering resolve in the face of overwhelming odds.

As she stood there, surrounded by these otherworldly beings, Mara's eyes remained locked on God with a defiant glint. Without a word, she vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the echoes of her presence. The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of her defiance lingering like a lingering storm cloud.

God's expression remained inscrutable, his gaze fixed on the spot where Mara had stood moments before. The angels, their strange forms shifting in the dim light, exchanged uncertain glances, their confusion mirrored in their unearthly features, they vanished in a blink of an eye, to searched for any sign of Mara's whereabouts.

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