God's project.

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Chapter 7.
God's project.

"Any questions about that?" Gabriel inquired, scanning the room as silence settled in.

"Alright, let's move on," Gabriel continued, flipping through the papers until he found the relevant page. He cleared his throat before delving into the next topic. "There's also going to be a new realm in development under God's supervision. We haven't finalized a name for it yet, but it's essentially a place where humans and angels will be judged for their deeds. This initiative is part of what God calls the Celestial Justice System."

A curious angel raised their hand, prompting Gabriel to acknowledge them. "Yes, what's your question?"

The angel queried, "Who will be running this new realm, and who will carry out the judgments?"

Gabriel nodded approvingly. "An excellent question. Angels like yourselves will serve as the judges. A select group will be assigned the role of judges, rotating shifts to ensure fairness. Additionally, there will be angelic lawyers appointed to handle legal aspects."

After a brief pause to see if there were further inquiries, Gabriel concluded, "If there are no more questions, we're all set for now. I appreciate your punctuality and enthusiasm for God's plan. You're dismissed."

As the meeting ended and everyone began to leave, Asmodeus started to rise but was halted by Gabriel's interruption.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you off to?" Gabriel interjected, extending his hand to halt Asmodeus's departure.

Asmodeus glanced around, momentarily perplexed, before turning his attention to Gabriel with a puzzled expression. "Um, I was just leaving like everyone else," he replied, gesturing towards the now-empty seats.

Gabriel chuckled softly. "Ah, but you were late. These meetings are crucial and not to be missed. I'll let it slide this time, but don't make it a habit. I'm sure another angel can fill you in on the details. Off you go now," Gabriel directed, pointing towards the door.

Asmodeus regarded Gabriel with narrowed eyes, a hint of intensity in his gaze, before finally turning and exiting the room.

Meanwhile, Lucifer emerged from a dark, gray door into a bustling hallway filled with angels navigating their way to various destinations. Spotting an exit sign, Lucifer made a left turn, stepping into another area. This new passage led to a grand golden castle hallway, devoid of any immediate presence. Taking a right turn and then a left, Lucifer found himself in an expansive space, eventually catching sight of God seated on a brilliant white throne in the distance. With Jesus standing by His side, Lucifer made his way towards them.

"Hey, Dad," Lucifer greeted God, who responded with a weary expression, pausing before addressing him. "What do you want now?"

Lucifer glanced at God with confusion. "Just to hang out with you. Have you ever noticed we never spend time together? The last time we did was when Mom was around. Now, you've just grown distant."

"I'm busy right now. Maybe next time," God replied.

"Busy doing what? Just sitting there?" Lucifer folded his arms, his frustration becoming evident as he looked away.

Resting his arms on the throne's arms, God clenched his fist slightly. "You need to go. I said I'm busy."

"No, I'm not leaving until we hang out," Lucifer retorted, crossing his arms with a smug smile.

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