A New Era

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chapter 9: A New Era.

After the great war ravaged the 7th heaven, leaving buildings demolished in the wake of Lucifer and Michael's armies, the scars of battle remained indelible. Welcome to a new era, a new beginning.

A new era. Chapter 9 Title: Supernatural.

Michael walked through the ruins of their beloved home, once standing tall and proud. The ground beneath his feet was cracked and broken, bearing the weight of unimaginable devastation. As he gazed upon the gaping chasm that led to Lucifer and his followers' downfall, a heavy weight settled upon his shoulders. God stood beside him, a somber presence, while Jesus looked on with a mixture of sadness and determination.

Where once there were buildings adorned with diamonds and gold, now only rubble remained. The roads, once paved with shiny silver, lay in ruins, a stark contrast to their former glory. Michael's voice trembled with emotion as he spoke, his words filled with regret and sorrow.

"I'm sorry for this," he murmured, his heart heavy with the burden of what could have been. In that moment, amidst the wreckage of their once-magnificent home, Michael felt a profound sense of loss and longing, a desire to turn back the hands of time and rewrite the tragic history that had led them to this point.

God turned to Michael, his presence radiating warmth and reassurance. "Son, you've done what you could," he spoke with a gentle tone, imbued with infinite understanding. "And I'm proud of you. I know you loved your brother, but he made a mistake. He'll learn from them, but it's not your fault. It's his, and he should be the one to blame."

"So what now?" Michael's voice carried a hint of lingering sorrow as he spoke.

"I rebuild the heavens back to its glory, and we move on to better things," God declared with unwavering determination.

With a silent command that resonates through the minds of all the angels, God instructs them to depart from the 7th heaven, allowing Him the solitude needed to commence the arduous task of rebuilding. One by one, the celestial beings heed the divine directive, their ethereal forms fading into the boundless expanse beyond.

Michael and Jesus, their majestic wings unfurled, soar through the heavens, their departure a poignant symbol of a new journey ahead. As they vanish into the horizon, their silhouettes against the backdrop of the celestial realm, the promise of renewal and restoration fills the air.

Left alone amidst the remnants of a once-glorious realm, God prepares to wield His divine power in the sacred act of reconstruction, laying the foundation for a future that holds the potential for unparalleled splendor. And so, with determination and resolve, the process of rebuilding heaven back to its former glory begins, ushering in a new era of hope and possibility in the celestial realm.

Michael strides purposefully down the stark white hallway, the steady rhythm of his footsteps reverberating against the pristine floor. With determination etched into his features, he reaches a door and enters without hesitation.

Inside, Gadreel sits at his desk, engrossed in his work until Michael's presence interrupts his concentration. Looking up, Gadreel's expression shifts from focus to surprise as he sees Michael standing before him.

"Michael, oh my goodness, how was the battle? Is Lucifer okay?" Gadreel's voice is filled with concern, but Michael's stern countenance betrays no hint of emotion.

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