Sam and Kobe.

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Chapter 13

Sam and Kobe.

In a dimly lit bedroom, morning sunlight seeps through a gap in heavy curtains, casting a soft, golden glow. Clothes lay scattered across the floor, a casual chaos reflecting a lived-in space. Adjacent to a large window, a cluttered desk holds scattered papers and half-finished school work, bathed in the warm light of dawn.

Amidst this peaceful scene, he lies asleep in bed, his face serene and eyes closed. The room is silent except for the occasional rustle of fabric and the gentle breaths of deep slumber. Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by the sharp, insistent buzzing of a phone.

*Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz.*

His face twitches ever so slightly in response to the disturbance, eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes adjusting to the morning light. With a groggy awareness, he reaches under his pillow, fingertips tracing the source of the persistent vibration.


The phone vibrates again, its urgency palpable in the quiet room.

He picks up his phone and sees the name "Mom" accompanied by a heart emoji flashing on the screen. Despite the persistent buzzing, he swipes his thumb across the screen to answer and brings the phone to his ear.

"Hello," he muttered, his voice still groggy from sleep.

"Hello, Sam," came the calm and confident voice of her.

"I have your mom and your dad. If you want to see them alive, you better come here. The address is 74 Pine Street Avenue. If you involve the police, you'll regret it. You have until 3 to get here."

"What?" Sam's voice cracked with disbelief, but before he could question further, the line went dead, leaving him bewildered and scrambling to make sense of the sudden threat.

"Kobe!" he yelled out in fear, his mind racing as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Yelling his name, Sam heard the hurried footsteps before the door burst open. Kobe rushed in, worry etched across his face.

"You alright? What happened?" Kobe asked, seeing Sam's frightened expression.

Startled, Sam finally managed to speak. "It's Mom and Dad. Something bad happened-they've been kidnapped. They said if we don't get there in time, something bad could happen."

Listening to his response, Kobe gave a nervous smile and a small chuckle, thinking it might be a joke. "You're joking, right? If you're not, we should definitely get the police involved. And call Robbie, because Dad told us if anything happens, we should call Robbie. He can help us."

Getting up from his bed, Sam walked up to Kobe, his expression serious. "We can't involve the police. They said they'll kill them if we do. But we do need Robbie; we need a ride to get there," Sam explained.

Kobe pulls out his phone and begins dialing Robbie's number. The wait feels endless, each second dragging on as if time itself were mocking them in this moment of crisis. Sam's heart pounds in his chest, matching the slow, torturous rhythm of the phone's ringing.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the phone is answered.

"Hey Kobe, what's up? You alright?" Robbie questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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