Chapter 5: Life In Whitesand Bay

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You get a glimpse of what Rafayel's life in Whitesand Bay is like, and try to help him out as much as you can. You struggle in making progress in returning home.

Chapter 5: Life In Whitesand Bay

You and Rafayel make it back to the art studio and begin painting again. It took some time for you to get back into the rhythm, matching the colors on your canvas with the scenery behind Rafayel. Meanwhile, he seems to have a few more questions for you.

"So.. did you remember anything else?" Rafayel asks as he made strokes on his own canvas. You stiffen a little, wondering what other bits of information you can safely reveal to him.

"Well, I remember hating my current job," you try for a lighthearted tone to shift the mood. "I was working a normal 9-5 job, I think. Don't ask me what company though, I still can't recall that part yet."

"So close to figuring out your identity!" Rafayel mutters. "You remembered your parents too, right? How about their names or faces?"

"Nope," you lie. "I still can't remember my name either."

"The brain sure works in strange ways. It's playing hard to get, only revealing bits and pieces of info."

There is a momentary pause in conversation as you both worked quietly on your paintings. You couldn't turn down Rafayel when he insisted that you paint with him. You wonder if by painting, you'd slowly start to forget those bitter memories, just as he had said. Soon, you completed the background of your painting. Next, you just need to wait for it to dry before adding Rafayel. In the meantime, you decide to ask him something you'd been curious about

"So.. how famous are you exactly?" you asked. "I never got to ask you much about yourself as an artist."

Rafayel hums. "Only among the art community in Linkon City. I'm not worldwide famous or anything."

"Someone at the cafe asked for your photo yesterday. You must be pretty recognizable around here."

"People recognize my work and occasionally my face, but I'm not getting mobbed by paparazzis or anything. I prefer keeping a low profile and I turn down most interviews. The tabloids and art journalists make it difficult for me though."

He even has the attention of mainstream media? That sounds pretty famous to you. "Tabloids? Have you gotten followed before?"

"Unfortunately, multiple times," he sighs. "Sometimes, they're not always looking for a good story to paint. Those gossip columns can get quite exasperating."

"Oh. Why?" you ask curiously. "Don't tell me.. someone leaked details about your 2-hour bathing habits."

Rafayel shoots you a questioning look. Was that a pout? "No, it was not anything remotely related to my bathing habits! Besides, what's wrong with long baths? I don't see any harm."

"Your water bill is where the harm is..."

"That–that's not important. The bath where I get many of my inspirations from, you know."

You hold back a snicker. "Then what do the gossip columns say about you?"

"Stuff you wouldn't want to hear about your art. Got a few nasty comments about how my artworks were bland and soulless," Rafayel mutters.

You narrow your eyes. How could anyone say that? From what you've seen so far, his paintings are anything but that.

"Ignore them. I don't think they're soulless at all. They're just jealous of you," you say.

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