Part 16: where is home?

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Our mother looks between us and sighs, "You didnt tell him you were leaving? We're going to miss the flight lets go."

I scoff and look at my brother who looks like he's going to cry.

"No I didn't tell him because I'm not leaving, not with you and not ever."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Sarah and Kie walking out of the door.

"What's going on guys, wait. Mrs. Routledge?" Sarah says. "Um, actually its Mrs. Gray now." Sarah aploigizes and my mother hugs Sarah.

"Wait so are you leaving or not?" I look over at my brother and try to answer him but my step-dad beats me too it.

"Yes she is. Get in the damn car Beatrice." I turn my body as sharp as I can to look at him.

"You're leaving?" Everyone looks behind me and I turn around to do the same, I see JJ standing in front of me looking upset. "No i'm not."

I turn to face my mom and step-dad again, "Can you guys leave please." My mom shakes her head and walks into our house.

"I'll give you time to pack and we'll reconvine."

She sits on the couch and crosses her legs, My step-dad walks in after her and does the same. I see JJ walk into my room and I follow him.

"Hey JJ are you ok." He stands from where he was sitting on the bed and turns to me.

"Why would you leave, is it because of me or John b. Is it because you were shot. I mean I dont think we even gave you a reason to leave."

I walk up to him and kiss him.

"I'm not leaving, I would never leave you, for any reason." I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"Do you want me to fight them off?" I laugh at his joke and pat him on the chest. "It might get the message through that i'm not leaving."

We break apart and as we do John b walks in and hugs me, "You're not leaving, I dont care. You're the last family I have."

I let go of him and reassure him. "I'm not leaving. Promise." He looks over at me and nods to the door.

We all walk out into the living room and I walk over to where my parents are.

"Where are youre bags, we have to go." I walk up and slap her in the face, I get pulled back and thrown by my step-dad and I hit the wall.

I put my hand over my stomach and hunch over. "Fuck are you ok?" Sarah rushes over to me.

My step-dad walks over to me and tries to grab me again. John b grabs at his face and throws him to the ground punching him in the face over and over.

"John b, please just stop. I'm fine." As my brother looks back at me I can see the anger in his eyes.

He turns back to my step-dad and stands up, spitting on him before running over to me.

My mom checks on my step-dad before me, which JJ decdodides to comment on. "Husband over daughter, you're a bitch."

My mom finishes with my dad and walks over to me. "Are you ok, your'e bleeding again." I get up and start to walk to my room.

"I'm fine. JJ, John b get them out please." I watch the boys throw my paents out of the house and I thank them before heading to bed.


The next morning I wake up hungover as shit. I walk into the kitchen to see Sarah and Kie cooking. I walk over to the coffe and pour two cups.

I start to walk back to the room but JJ walks out in front of me, I hand him his coffe and turn around to walk to the table and eat.

"Don't ever let me drink again." when Kie sets my plate in front of me I kiss her cheek and pat her back. "Thanks."

She smiles at me and walks back to the stove. I look at JJ through my eylashes and he sits next to me.

JJ tries to grab my sausage and I smack his hand away. "Don't ever try that again."

He throws his hands up and waits for his food, which comes a little later.

After we eat we walk over to the couch and we sit next to John b and Sarah.

"How do you feel Bea?" I groan and lay on the couch. " I regret everything." He shrugs and laughs.

"What do you want to do today?" He looks at me and I get off the couch to start the walk over to my room.

"I don't care what you say. I'm swimming." I run off into my room and shut the door.

The door opens and JJ walks in and shuts the door behind him.

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now