Chapter 1- Landing

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welcome girls ;)

i don't rlly know marshall's whole entire lore, so this isnt going to be accurate 
i want this story to pan out over a couple years as well !

September, 1991

Marshall- 18
Alia- 16

Moving to Detroit hadn't been the best experience. Alia Maydine was originally from the East Coast, but she had received a scholarship to go to school for free in Detroit. The school would pay for her lodgings. Alia was very grateful for the opportunity she was being given, only, there were two cons to this. 1, her 'lodging,' was a trailer in a goddamn trailer park. Alia couldn't complain-- she hadn't been rich on the East Coast, so she couldn't expect to be rich here, either. Anyway, 2. She was to live in Michigan alone. Alia had initially hesitated, as she didn't want to move and had to leave all of her friends and family. But there was something so liberating about living on your own-- especially as a teen!

Her mom was the one that greatly pushed her to move. Her mom valued education over almost everything else, so this was very important. To her, she would have failed as a parent if her daughter didn't get a good education. But still, Alia was hesitant to live alone because she was only 16 years old. Soon to be 17, but not yet. She would be starting her junior year in Detroit, at a school called Lincoln High School. It would be quite a lie to say that she wasn't excited to live alone, I mean-- which teenager would complain about that

Alia was scared to start school. Not because of the workload,(she was enrolled in a good amount of honors and AP classes,) but because of the people. She had come from a relatively small school, and even then there had been some bad apples. She hoped that she would be able to make friends, because everyone would already have pre-established friend groups, it seemed. Alia didn't know if she could deal with any more nagging bitches, who bitched about anything and everything. She hadn't been the most popular girl in school, so she was well aware about how rude girl could be. And it didn't help that--

well, that's a story for another time. Alia didn't have the time to think about her past trauma or whatever, she needed to lock in now. Forget the past. Right?

The ride to the airport had been (surprisingly,) more or less quiet. Alia was expecting her parents to be crying-- maybe even her sister too, but when she realized that no one seemed to be too upset, she was a bit offended. But that all changed once they arrived. To be completely honest, Alia was a bit embarrassed that her whole family was crying, hugging and kissing her, in the middle of the airport, but it was sweet either way. A little gross and embarrassing, but sweet. She knew she would be seeing them in two months anyway-- for Thanksgiving. It was a little bit far from away, because it was only September 1st, but Alia was sure that time would fly by. She would make a good group of friends, she would get good grades and do all of her homework, she would go shopping, she would do all the things that teenagers did. Just without the watchful eyes of her parents. Or really anyone, it seemed.

Alia stepped out of the airport. The flight was pretty short, a little under two hours. She had finished a good half of her book by then, and she felt pretty good. Alia also had brought her Walkman, but she felt starved for good music. Hopefully Detroit had a good music scene...
She only had a suitcase and backpack with her, due to the fact that she was traveling solo. All the stuff she left at home, she hoped that she could buy here. 

Detroit Airport wasn't the nicest airport in the world, but it was (quite fortunately,) easy to navigate. Alia had stopped at a convince store in the airport and bought a snack, but truth be told she wasn't too hungry. It was probably the nerves-- she didn't know what to expect from her new trailer home. How big would it be? She had grown up in a small row home that was packed in a line of about 15 of them. The walls had been paper thin, so she was looking forward to a little bit more privacy. But Alia had to get used to not being in the city. She was used to the ever honking horns of cars, rap music blasting from convertibles, cars doing donuts in the lots, and the ever constant siren from both fire engines and police cars. Maybe it would be good to give her ears a rest.

Taxis lined the road right outside the entrance, or rather exit, so Alia went to one. The man in the taxi got out of his car and helped her put her large suitcase in the trunk of the car.
As Alia slid into the backseat, the man asked her where she was heading. 

"Uh," Alia took out a torn piece of paper from her pocket. She had scribbled the address very last minute. adhd or whatever. "...Metro Detroit trailer park?" She said hesitantly. Was that even the right place?

"Oh. Alright then." The taxi man said. Alia couldn't quite tell what that reaction was supposed to mean, but whatever!

Maybe an hour or so later, they had finally arrived. Alia got out of the car, and so did the man, who helped her get her luggage. 

"Fifty dollars." Fifty even? That's strange. Alia thought to herself. It wasn't uncommon for taxi drivers to jack up the prices newcomers, so she wasn't too suprise. But still...Fifty was steep, but she would pay it. Handing the bill to the driver, she thanked him, and he got into his car. He zoomed away, leaving Alia standing by herself in a cloud of car dust. And just like that, she was alone again.

The trailer park was surrounded partly by trees, and partly by roads. The trees were beautiful-- they were in the very early stages of changing colors. Green, red, and orange leaves dotted the path in front of her, and Alia followed it. She followed it until she reached the real entrance of the park. A weathered white sign was nailed into the ground, and read Metro Detroit Trailer Park. Charming. Classic American-- quite different than the East, if she had to compare them.

So this was her new home. Looking down at her paper, she cursed herself for scribbling to so quickly. Alia was pretty sure that her trailer number was 7, but the problem was that she was at trailer number 19 right now. She had no clue which direction to walk in. But that was when something highly convenient happened-- a group consisting of three guys,(who seemed about her age,) walked from out of the tree line. Being the desperate girl she was, Alia decided to talk to them.

"Excuse me? Do you know where trailer, uh, seven is?" Alia said, briefly glancing down. She looked up, and the boys looked back at her.

1,347 words 

hi ! thanks for reading pilot chapter of this book ! i know, i know, it's very short, but i just really wanted to get a sense of what u guys would like to read ! obviously, i'm going to make the chapters longer as this book goes forward-- (maybe 2k each ?) i was thinking that between updating this book and my one shot book, updating maybe once a week would be best, just because i am also in school yk !
this chapter was also meant for u guys to kind of meet Alia's character, BUT i will have you know that there's a lot more hidden underneath the surface. the lore runs deep lmaooo

also, can u guess who the three trailer park guys are ? haha

anyways, thank u all for reading and vote if u want ! it always helps !

luv u !

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