Chapter 3- Ride

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LMAO THE PICCCCC what do u guys think haha

Adjusting to life in Detroit wasn't as difficult as Alia had thought. There was a corner store about a five-minute walk from her front door, so getting food and other groceries wasn't really that difficult. She had been in Michigan for almost a week, and school was starting in...2 hours. Alia didn't know why she had woken up at five am that morning, but all she knew was that she felt terrible. She had always been a bit nervous for the first day of school, but she was beyond stressed for this
Especially because of what Marshall had told her a couple of days earlier. Something about the crazy ass people that went to Lincoln.

The fluorescent light of the bathroom shocked Alia awake-- she still wasn't used to the light being so goddamn bright. It was like the freaking sun. She started brushing her teeth, then mentally prepared herself to look in the mirror. It wasn't that she was ugly, it was just the morning. I mean, no one looks too hot in the morning, right? And besides, it wasn't something that a little makeup couldn't fix.

Once Alia finished washing up, she got dressed. She had picked out her outfit the day after she arrived, because she was impatient. She wore baggy jeans and a low-cut white tank top. She also wore a black hoodie on top of it. The weather in Detroit changed pretty randomly.

It had been 6 days since she had last seen Marshall, but that didn't mean that she hadn't texted him

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It had been 6 days since she had last seen Marshall, but that didn't mean that she hadn't texted him. The two of them had been corresponding multiple times a day, which made Alia feel slightly jittery. Whenever her phone notified her of a text message, her heart skipped a beat while her stomach did a summersault. Marshall had such a way with words, whether that be for better or for worse. He also knew how to keep a conversation going, which honestly wasn't a struggle for the two of them, since something new came up every second. Was he out of her league? He seemed so perfect, Alia felt like she was doing a disservice to him. Especially since she was lying to him. Well, not quite lying, so much as it was 'withholding the truth.' And the truth was that Marshall had never asked her anything that was related to her secret, so she wasn't in the wrong, right?

And besides, the truth would reveal itself. Just as it always did.

Yo, we're headin' over now

Alia felt her heart jump when she heard the familiar ding of the text tone. Recently, whenever she heard it, she silently prayed that it was him. And most of time, it was. (she down bad...) Other times, it was her concerned mom, or dad. Maybe even her sister. Ever since she had landed in Michigan, Alia's parents had been messaging and calling her multiple times daily, the both of them constantly worrying about her. She didn't tell them about Marshall and his friends specifically, but simply about the fact that she met some people from the neighborhood, so they wouldn't worry.

Okay, see you

God, did she have to overthink each one of her texts?

Alia couldn't wait for her first day of school, even if she was a little nervous. At least now she knew three people there-- Marshall, Deshaun, and Noah. They all seemed nice, and Alia hoped that they would actually talk to her. She didn't know if she would be able to stomach the embarrassment of loneliness, of eating at a table by herself, of staying quiet the whole day. 

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