Chapter 5- Exposing Secrets

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so sorry for the late update-- pls enjoy.

btw this chapter is where things start getting interesting, so expect things to start getting more hype !

The birds were chirping, and the sun was finally up. Alia rubbed her eyes tiredly, sitting up in her bed. It was already ten am, and Alia felt her heartbeat stop for a second, before realizing that it was a Saturday. She thought she was late for school. Jasmine couldn't believe that she had finally finished her first week of school in Detroit. Kim had not been as much of a problem the rest of the week as she had been on that first day, but that still didn't mean that she refrained from giving Alia the biggest look she could or shoving her in the middle of the hallway. Marshall had been trying to stay away from Kim, as whenever he saw her he would swerve out of the way, or reply to her with one-word answers.

Alia had made a new friend-- Lexi. Lexi was a white girl with the most bleached platinum blonde hair she had ever seen. She wore tank tops with hot pink, or cheetah-print bras underneath every outfit, and had belly-button piercings. She only wore square-shaped French nails and always had a pair of large chunky golden hoops, or big sunglasses.  She wore her sunglasses almost as a tease, as they shielded her eyes from both the sun, as well as the prying gazes of boys all around her. She was kind of the definition of trashy, as half of her vocabulary was just every synonym of the word bitch. But she was nice, and she made a real effort to talk to Alia, even if most of their conversations consisted of how Lexi could 'fix her.' Apparently, Lexi needed to give Alia a makeover.

stay tuned for more lexi ;)

Alia's phone rang. It was her dad. Alia had been surprised at how long it had taken him to call her, as she had been waiting in anticipation.

"Hello?" Alia asked.

"Hi, Alia. You all set up and everything?"

"Yeah, pretty much,"

"Okay, good... and you're...alright with everything else?" ugh. Alia knew he was going to ask her that, but it was his fault.

"Yeah, I mean you were the source, anyway," Alia rolled her eyes. It was his fault.

"You know what I mean. If you are going to use... at least do it safe-- don't do what you did last time, okay? Be smart about it,"

The only person who knew about 'it' was her dad. Not even her mother knew it. It was part of the reason she had left the East Coast. Alia was an addict. Or had been an addict. Her father was one as well-- so Alia had grown up, in a way, around drugs. She grew up in a house where pill bottles were as common as cereal boxes, and the faint smell of chemicals seemed to linger in every room. She could hardly count the amount of times she had either caught, or found her dad's drugs hidden around the house in inconspicuous spots. However, most of the times her dad had thrown the hard stuff naïvely into the backs of drawers, the contents rattling inside next to forgotten birthday cards and receipts. Her father's approach to drug concealment was both naive and reckless. The constant discovery of foreign 'medication' resulted in her becoming curious, and experimenting. But she didn't know much surrounding drugs--to her, a pill was a pill, so obviously it wouldn't be harmful to swallow the whole thing. Right?

So, Alia you could safely was shocked after she landed in the hospital after consuming 1.5 milligrams of fentanyl. To her, the only consequences of drugs were the positive effects, and not the fact that they could easily kill her. But, it would be a lie if she said that a small part of her didn't know that consuming such a large amount said drug wouldn't harm her. She was perfectly aware as to what an overdose was. And so, the positive effects she'd anticipated were replaced by a cold, critical panic that she had never felt before that one night. Alia felt as though had been drowning in her own bloodstream, the world fading to a fuzzy grayscale, like an old movie.

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