Chapter 6- Insignificance

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so sorry for the short(MONTH long hiatus...) i have just been quite busy with school and other works, but i hope you enjoy this chapter !! the pressure is heightening !!

When Marshall kissed her, Alia felt a whole range of emotions, though the most prominent one was shock. And not in a bad way, of course, mostly in an 'I never thought this would ever happen to me, oh my god!!' kind of way. It had happened quite naturally-- the two of them had been gradually moving closer and closer to each other until they were practically chest to chest. Let's just say that Marshall wasn't complaining. His blue eyes looked into her brown ones before Alia had closed hers, anticipating his next move. Alia had only kissed one other boy before, so she did not have a lot to compare the kiss to, though she felt as though she would never find anyone who was a better kisser than he was. Plus, his lips were surprisingly soft.

But the moment had abruptly come to an end, as the electronic ringing of a flip phone filled the air. They had only been kissing for a moment(idk how long people kiss for...), before they had been interrupted. Alia looked down, reaching for her phone, before realizing that the song wasn't coming from hers. "Shit, sorry," Marshall said, bringing the phone up to his ear. Alia hadn't seen who the caller was, but she wondered who could have been so important that he had to cut their moment short. "Yeah...right now? Ion know... yeah I'll try...I'm boutta leave."

"Is...everything alright?" Alia asked hesitantly as Marshall put the phone down. He looks at her with a pained expression, as if he wished he didn't have to tell her what was wrong. 

"I gotta go..."

"What happened?" Alia didn't really want to pry, however she was curious and wanted to know what on earth made him look so...dejected.

"Look, I jus wanna tell you now before someone tries to skew this situation an shit-- Kim's friend jus' died and she jus' needs someone her. But I'm jus goin' platonically," Marshall said in seemingly all one breath. Alia felt conflicted inside-- on the one hand, it felt as though he were pretty much ditching her to be with his ex, but on the other hand...she was grieving. If she needed someone to be with and to help her, Alia could understand that, though she didn't understand why it had to be Marshall. "I'm fuckin' sorry..."

"It's okay. I hope she feels better?" For some reason, it came out as more of a question, much to Alia's misfortune.

"Sorry bout this, we'll chill again, aight?" Marshall said on his way out, though it seemed to be more rhetorical. Alia simply nodded in response, frustration building beneath her skin and climbing up her throat.

Why was it that the first time she actually like a guy, he was still obsessed(well, at least a little bit,) with his ex? Why did they still have to be in contact?!

The next morning was a bit uneventful, though Alia had spent half of it trying to stop herself from overthinking the night before, as well as her whole entire relationship status with Marshall. They definitely weren't a thing(right??) but they also weren't just friends. They couldn't be, as Alia didn't think it was normal for friends to kiss each other after spilling their darkest secrets. Or maybe it was-- she had no clue.

Alia fidgeted with the hem of her shirt as she wondered if Marshall would be joining her on her walk, or if any of their other friends were. After waiting about five minutes after the times Marshall usually arrived at her trailer at, Alia decided to leave. Was he with Kim? Maybe he slept over at her place.. she couldn't blame him. 

"Yo, Alia!" Deshaun said, calling her name from somewhere behind her. Alia turned around and waved her friend over.

"Hey Deshaun! Have you...seen Marshall?" She didn't want to come off as desperate, but she just couldn't quell her curiosity. Sure Marshall missed school, but not too often-- he always had some shit to do at school. Besides, after the previous night, Alia had been hoping to talk to him and figure some things out.

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