Chapter 2- Neighborhood boys

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"Excuse me? Do you know where trailer, uh, seven is?" Alia said, briefly glancing down. She looked up, and the boys looked back at her.


"Yeah, we was headin' that way too." Some blonde guy said. His bleached hair shone in the pre-autumn sunlight, which snagged his blue eyes. The color was so mesmerizing that Alia felt the overwhelming urge to go up to him and look in his eyes, as weird as that sounded. She also imagined a couple of other things she wanted to do with him-- being a teenage girl and all... :)

"Really? Thank you!" Alia said, somewhat shyly. It was already embarrassing enough to be lost, but even more so when you had a suitcase with you.

Alia felt the guys look her up and down, and it kind of made her nervous, in a way. She smoothed down her wide leg jeans, and adjusted her bra strap. Fresh off the plane, Alia tried to wear something comfortable opposed to hot. [ikik jeans on the plane-- a baddies gotta baddie. dont hate :))]

"You new here? I'm Deshaun

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"You new here? I'm Deshaun." One of the other guys said. He had short hair that was covered by a hat and wore baggy clothing. Actually, they all did. 

"Obviously, she's rolling a fuckin' suitcase," The blond said. "Lemme take that for you." He added. 

"Oh, you don't--" Alia started, but he did it anyway. It wasn't common to see a guy do that for you-- especially one you didn't know. Maybe chivalry wasn't dead after all? (im sorry i had to.)

"Damn Marshall, you really a gentleman today. I'm Noah." Noah had dark, curly brown hair, and wore a gold chain around his neck with a cross on it.

"I'm Alia, nice to meet you all," Okay, so within her first day in Detroit, she had found herself surrounded by three hot guys who seemingly lived in her neighborhood. What more could she ask for, so far? "And yeah, I'm originally from the East coast."

"So you decided to move here?" Noah asked her. Detroit really didn't seem to be too different from her city-- it wasn't like she lived in Time Square!

"Yeah, well, I didn't have too much of a choice..."

"Whatchu mean?" Deshaun asked. Marshall was just observing her, not really saying much. That intimidated her much more than the multitude of questions Deshaun and Noah were asking her.

"I got a scholarship to go to school here."

"For real? You goin' to a private school now?"

"God no, my parents can't afford that. I'm going to... I think it's called...Lincoln high school?"

"No crap? Us too!" Noah said, surprised.

"You must be in honor role, or sum shit like that." Marshall said. He wasn't wrong, but it wasn't very hard to be in it. All you had to do was try, because most of the other kids would rather die than actually do their work. That's really what made it easy to stick out at school.

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