escape attempt

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Eri seemed more at ease as days went by, since no one really came to take her or Kota for awhile now. She just kinda assumed they were just holding them hostage for some kinda advantage. Realizing that made a little bit more bold which Kota was Happy to see her feeling more and more comfortable. Kota did realize she was planning an escape so he warned people about that, they were completely ready to catch her and scare her a little bit so she would stay in the cell. Of course Kota knew eri was stubborn so as much as he hated the idea, if nothing else worked he would reveal that he's the villain and just pray she'll chill the fuck out.

"God I'm hungry..." Eri sighs sitting on the couch holding her stomach, her appetite was just getting bigger as pregnancy went on so Kota could just do his best. Had they been at home it would've been easier to deal with...but they were at his place of work hiding, so it took a bit but he could still get her all the food she wanted. "HEY!" kota bangs on the bars, "WOULD IT FUCKING KILL YOU TO BRING US SOME DAMN FOOD?!" he calls out of course the moment his helpers heard that they just went to get some food for the two and some water....even though they ate not that long ago. Eri takes deep breaths rubbing her stomach, "'s okay we'll get something to eat soon I promise" Kota says sitting next to eri and holds her.

Soon enough the food did come and they placed it down. They then grabbed Kota trying to drag him out, as there was a slight emergency. "NO!" eri panicked trying to hold onto Kota tightly, seeing her fear Kota growls and pins the person to the wall. "the fuck did I say about taking me outta the cell?" Kota whispers clearly pissed. "S-sorry sir...but it's an emergency, they took our food supplies so...." They start and Kota sighs letting them go. "I'll be back-" Kota says and eri holds onto him shaking her head no. "'s gonna be okay love....I promise, as long as we do what they say we'll be just fine....just enjoy the food okay? I'll be right back" Kota says kissing eri as they leave, locking the cell behind them.

"God those fucking heros are a god damn headache." Kota growls getting his villain costume on, "how much food we have left?" Kota asks, "um....5 days if we focus on just Eri....3 if we feed the other-" "then just feed eri. The others are just a waste of food." Kota says coldly. He sighs putting on his mask and gets ready to go when the alarm for someone escaping goes off. "Fucking hell, if it's eri deal with it...if it's literally anyone else just kill them on site" Kota says leaving.

Eri did in fact make a run for it, she actually ended up having to hide somewhere to catch her breath. "Holy shit" eri bends over taking deep breaths as she places a hand on her stomach. "C'mon bean, mama needs to get us outta here..." Eri sighs, walking around while catching her breath. She soon makes it to where the Actual cells where, of course the moment she opened the door all those in cells felt a sense of absolute terror. "What the...." Eri looks around and the moment she saw the people in the cells she gags. All of them were severely tortured and most were completely unrecognizable. "What...happened to you?" Eri asks scared and they all reached out for eri scared and just hoping she could save them. Eri kneels in front of one of them "oh darling...." She holds their hand and starts to heal them bringing them back to normal. "What happened to you?..." Eri asks once they were back to normal. "HE tortures us..." The male says trembling, "we didn't think he'd hurt need to run...go...leave.... before he catches you again!" The male warns terrified. ".... I'll stop whoever is doing this I promise.... but first I need to find you know where they would take him?" Eri asks and the male seemed so scared when she mentioned Kota, "leave him....he's the one doing this...all of this....go.... before he does this to you too...." The male tries to warn, unfortunately eri didn't believe him as she chalked it up to them being brainwashed into thinking that.

"Hun...I don't know what they made you all believe...but Kota is a hero....just like us...he wouldn't hurt anyone..... especially to this extent...." Eri says and the male trembles, " no no eri... please listen! He's lying to you! He's not who you think he is he" eri gently rubs the males hand, "'s gonna be okay....I promise.... I'll find Kota and you'll see that all this isn't true.... I'll make sure you all get proper help for your injuries and the brainwashing....just hang in there okay" eri offers a kind smile. That got the male to tear up, it's been awhile since he's experienced this much kindness. Eri actually gave him some of the water she brought with her, it's been awhile since the male got any food or water...let alone clean filtered water like eri had. Eri heard people approaching so she panicked and got up looking for a place to hide. "I'll be right back okay..." Eri whispers to the male as she runs and hides inside a barrel.

"Eri, come on out....if you come out now we promise we won't hurt ya" two girls called out and eri just stays quiet. "C'mon, if you don't come out now we'll have to tell our boss when he gets back!" *Good luck, I won't be here when he comes back...* Eri thinks using one arm to keep her from completely submerging into the liquid in the barrel and the other was on her stomach in attempt to keep her baby safe. Hours went by and no once could find eri and Kota did eventually come back. "Heya don't be mad but...eri kinda sorta escaped and we haven't been able to find her..." Luna admitted and Kota sighs annoyed. "Stay outta sight so she doesn't see you. I'll go and find her and then you can "capture" us...sound like a plan?" Kota asks and Luna nods. Kota knew she wouldn't leave without him so there was a good chance she was still here, just hiding. Once Kota cleaned himself 6 times so he wouldn't make eri sick, he changed into his hostage clothes. He actually then just left to look around for eri, he eventually stumbled into the actual cell room and eri didn't hear him coming as she was the one who taught him how to walk quietly.

Kota did signal that he found her meaning people did end up hiding around the area. "Here..." Eri was just tending to most of the victims. "Eri?!" Kota calls out getting eri's attention, she smiles but everyone else seemed absolutely terrified. One of the victims grabs eri's hand "run...." She whispered but Kota just hugs eri tightly and gives the girl a look that made her blood run cold. "C'mon let's get outta here before they-" Kota starts and right on cue his helpers burst in surrounding the two. Kota glances at the girl letting them know to kill her soon, before they lead eri and Kota back to their cell. "I'm sorry...." Eri looks down as they were locked back in the cell. "If I hadn't been so careless we could've escaped...." Eri sighs and looks outside the bars, "did you see how scared those poor people were...." Eri asks completely heartbroken. Kota nuzzles eri trying to comfort her, "I know you wanna save them eri but right now we need to focus on ourselves....yes it sucks what they're going through but unless we're safe we can't save others" Kota kisses eri on the forehead and eri looks down knowing he was right. "God I'm absolutely filthy...." Eri whines as she had a bunch of unknown liquids on her.

Kota thinks and has her take off all her clothes as he grabs a cloth and uses the sink to wipe her wasn't much but it did make her feel a little cleaner...of course someone came in after seeing Kota do this and forced both of them outta the cell and took them to the wash room where they could properly clean themselves and had a change of clothes. Eri gladly took a shower as it was very much needed and Kota showered with her and just helped her when he could. "Heh, look at that.... you're getting a lil baby bump" Kota says kneeling in front of eri and kissing her stomach. Eri giggles and holds onto kota and looks down tearing up "what if I end up having the baby here....what if they take the baby...or make me lose it?" Eri asks worried and Kota rubs her stomach. "I won't let them....and no matter what happens I'll make sure you have the at home birth that you want" Kota smiles and eri nods taking a deep breath trying to calm down.

Once they were clean and in fresh clothes they were brought back to their cell. Once the people left eri was bored and pulled out the deck of cards she made and her and Kota just started to play poker. It was something to help pass the time and eri always did get so excited when she beat Kota....of course Kota didn't have the heart to really try in the game since eri was absolutely terrible at he went easy on her and would let her win most of the time. Which in turn made her believe she was really good at the game...and Kota just let her believe that since it made her happy. "Hah! I win!" Eri smiles as Kota purposefully lost again and eri just cuddled him. "As a result I get all the cuddles like you promised!" Eri giggles and Kota held her. "Heh, of course love" he kisses eri and they just cuddled for awhile. This is actually what the next few days looked like... eventually eri did lose track of time so her only way to really tell was watching her stomach grow...but luckily the war did eventually come to an end as the villains backed the heroes into a corner and made them back down.

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