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It took a few months but eri did heal just fine. She was actually just chilling in Kota's office playing on her phone as she eats a sucker she stole from the jar on the desk. Kota was in a meeting so if anything happens they had to go to eri. "Eri!" Someone barged in scaring the shit out of the girl causing her to choke on the sucker. "Fuck..." Eri coughs, "what?" She asks wiping away some tears as satsuki slams the door locking it. "We finally found out who that villain was...but may not like it..." She says and Eri tilts her head looking at the files. Eri thinks "omg...that explains so much..." Eri sighs and then kota walks in "Kota! We finally found out who that damn villain is!" Eri says and Kota tilts his head, trying to determine if she knew it was him or not. "Look!" She says showing kota the files and somehow they ended up finding a different traitor. "...monoma?" "Yes think about it! This villain...i forgot their name... anyways! They always switch up quirks! Foe awhile people thought it was you cuz water gun quirk...but then they started changing quirks and monoma can literally copy quirks!" Eri says her eyes lighting up. "Mmm...send those to the commission" kota sighs, Happy they framed the wrong person. It saved him trouble, if eri found out it was him then he'd need to kinda brainwash her, and he didn't wanna put her through that.

"Now stop looking into it okay? me this is something that's best left in the hands of others okay?" He says, Eri sighs before nodding. She then looks at kota "we're also gonna ignore the fact that you've at least helped that villain and took countless innocent lives" Eri says and Kota's face instantly darkened and next thing Eri knew he grabbed her and slammed her head against the wall. After that everything instantly went black.

"Mmm..." Eri groans as she wakes up in a cell, it wasn't as nice as the one from last time, but it at least had some heater going so eri could be warm. "Rise and shine" kota says injecting something into eri's arm. "Where am i?..." Eri asks confused, but luckily whatever Kota gave her made her headache go away. "mmm temporary cell?" He says and goes to turn on the light "you might wanna close your eyes really quick" he says turning on the light. "Ack!" Eri flinches and takes a second to look around. The cell obviously wasn't the best looking, and wasn't as luxurious as the one she and kota shared last time. "...i wanna go home..." Eri says and Kota goes over and puts something against eri's lips and has her drink it. She quickly realized it was water and starts chugging it. "You can leave...after I'm done...kay?" He says and Eri gives him a pleading look. "Hey, I didn't wanna do this but you left me no choice... don't worry, this'll be as painless as i can possibly make it! And as long as you don't fight us you can be outta here and back home in about....5 days! Otherwise it can take up to 3 months...and I know Theo will miss his mama" kota said rubbing eri's head. "Sorry if everything is uncomfortable...this is an actual cell this time, i cleaned it up and made it as cozy as I could...not that it matters much since you're gonna be tied up for awhile" he says as the TV's surrounding her. "Use the needles to make it faster, imma go get food started for her" he says leaving and Luna sighs. Soon a certain video starts and eri tries to look away but luna straps eri's head to something and uses something to keep her eyes open. "Please don't fight us on this..." She sighs and eri struggles trying to look away and only started begging luna to stop once she started using the needles to probe her brain. "There we go...just give in okay?" Luna says warmly and eri just keeps struggling and begging luna to stop.

Eri didn't know how much time went by but when kota came back luna stopped. He set the plate of food down released eri from some of the restraints so she could blink and move her head. "...." Eri was trembling and sobbing "oh...shh it's gonna be okay... Just work with us okay? I know it's uncomfortable...but remember work with us and this can take 4 more days and then you'll be all done" he promised and then holds up her food, "i made you some shrimp Alfredo" he smiles and then starts to feed eri the food. She was still crying and wasn't very cooperative while kota tried feeding her. "Aw...i know it isn't the most pleasant experience....but you need to eat okay?" He says softly getting eri to eat some shrimp. He smiles as she started to eat more and he kisses her on the forehead. "Please let me go..." Eri says desperately. "I'm sorry babygirl...i can't do that....not right now okay?..." "..." Eri tears up and breaks down crying, kota sighs and hugs eri. "Shhh.... it's okay...i know I'm being a huge meanie aren't i?..." He thinks "oh here i know what'll help!" He says untying her arms so she could at least move them. "Undo your restraints and you'll be here for another week" he says leaving and Eri sits there rubbing her wrists. When kota came back he was holding theo and hands him to eri. She instantly held the baby tightly and felt some relief knowing he's okay. "He's staying with daddy while mommy enjoys a little girls trip with satsuki"

He says and Eri looks at him as he just told her the excuse he gave for Eri's disappearance. "Granted it's a trip only my beautiful babygirl will come back from." He says and Eri perks up "....what are you gonna do to satsuki...." "Do you wanna dwell on that or cuddle your son" he says coldly and Eri holds Theo tighter. "Then drop it kay?" He says smiling, "... bipolar much?" "One more smartass comment and I'll make this more painful for you brat." He growls and Eri looks down at Theo deciding not to test her luck. "... I'm still kinda there anymore shrimp?..." She asks and kota nods "yep, I'll make you some...same deal applies. Undo your restraints and this'll go on for an extra week and I won't let you see Theo again" Eri sighs and kisses Theo as he was waking up from his little nap and smiles when he saw Eri, "" he says and Eri smiles tearing up, "mhm... I'm your mama... I'm and daddy are fight right now...but mama will see you as much as she can okay?..." "Mama! Mama?" Theo says, just excited to see his mama. When Kota comes back he smiles at the sight, "mama! Mama!" Theo repeats and kota chuckles "you're his first word" he says and starts to feed eri the shrimp.

After 4 days of the brainwashing Eri really stopped fighting after day 2 so it went smoothly. She actually learned that when Kota was around no one was gonna hurt her, he usually brings Eri food, water, and will let her hold Theo for awhile.

Actually during the 5th day Eri really wasn't having it. She kept screaming bloody murder for Kota when Luna came in. Since she obviously associated Luna with the brainwashing and pain. "He's up stairs. Scream all you want he won't hear" luna sighs and starts to strap Eri down to the chair since she was technically allowed to roam her cell before and after the brainwashing sessions. "C'mon the less you fight me the faster this goes..." She sighs and eri glares at her. Ultimately she stopped fighting and let it happen and once they were done Eri was just completely brainwashed. Kota did eventually come with some steak, a baked potato, and some steamed vegetables. "Here ya go" he smiles letting eri eat. "...luna isn't coming back right?" Eri says and Kota shook his head "maybe tom-" "NO!" Eri screams making kota flinch "...okay then I'll send someone else to do your examination"

He sighs watching Eri eat, she offered him some food and he shook his head. "I'm okay... I'll eat dinner with ya tomorrow" he promised and eri huffs but nods. After she ate Kota when and brought Theo down and Eri got so excited and nuzzled her son. "Want some soda?" He asks as he loves spoiling her when he can. "Yes please...fanta?" She asks and he nods leaving. When he came back he saw Eri playing with Theo "here" he says handing Eri the soda she beams and smiles.

The next day he was able to bring Eri back home. She was completely brainwashed, so while she knew kota was a villain, she believes that he's doing a good thing. So she didn't really speak much on it, and didn't seem to fear the villain group anymore since she believed they were good guys. "Omg Eri how was your trip?" "" eri shrugs as she knew to play along with it, "unfortunately the trip wasn't as relaxing as i hoped...satsuki apparently disappeared on the 3rd day so eri was looking for her...i wish i went cuz then I could've helped" He sighs rubbing Eri's head getting Eri to smile. "Kota said he'll take over the search since i was getting a little too worked up..." Eri says as kota hugs her. Happy that now he can continue his work without Eri getting in the way.

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