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Kota eventually got home, "cupcake! I'm back! You ready to go okay?" He asks as eri was sitting on the couch hugging a pillow having a panic attack. "I...I made a mistake...a really...really big mistake...." Eri says and Kota sits next to eri and pulls her onto his lap and held her. "Whatever you did we can get through it together....wanna tell me what happened?" He smiles and eri was hesitant but looks down, "I killed some..." She says and Kota seemed shocked, "what?..." Eri hugs her stomach the guilt was clearly killing her. "I....they attacked us and I panicked...they didn't see me so I....I just meant to knock them out...then they reached for me and I got scared and hit them a few more times...I just....I" eri broke down crying and Kota instantly knew who she killed and Instantly let the murder go and just held her. " killed outta self's gonna be okay I promise... we'll figure it all you wanna see a therapist for this?....I'm sure the commission can get someone" Kota offers and eri thinks and nods tearing up. "I guilty...." Eri confused and Kota nuzzled her, "did it help telling someone?" Kota asks and eri nods, " was one of the new villains helpers....I....God if he find out they'll come after me and I..." Eri trembles and Kota kisses eri, "deep breaths okay? I'll clean all this up-" eri looks at him scared, "no! He'll kill you if he finds out what I did to get back at me! It's not safe there anymore...I'll talk to the commission and have them assign someone else just please..." Eri pleads and Kota nuzzles eri, "he won't hurt me....I this was more of a self-imposed the commission might not be very Happy if they find out..." Kota says and eri whines, "I'll be okay... don't worry okay? Just trust me...can you do that Hun?" Kota asks and eri nods and hugs Kota, "be careful...." "I you still wanna go look at animals? Or do you just need awhile to process?" Eri thinks, "I wanna go look at the you this we can possibly adopt one?" She asks and Kota nods kissing eri, "c'mon let's go look at the animals"

Once they got to the shelter they went to look at the puppies first. Eri didn't really like any of them so they went to look at the kittens and eri fell in love with a mainecoon kitten and she teared up begging Kota to get this one. Kota chuckled and nods "we'll take this one" he says happily once they got the paperwork Kota starts filling it out while eri got to pet and play with the kitten. "Imma name you....oh! Sir Marvin the magnificent!" Eri says and Kota burst out laughing at the name and looks lovingly at eri while she plays with the kitten clearly in love with the little creature. Eri then sees a family with the most adorable little girl ever and the kid points at a cat and in the most adorable voice ever just said "kitty" and eri's heart melted. She turns to Kota with a pleading look, "what is it cupcake?" He asks unaware eri just got a strong wave of baby fever. "I want a lil baby...." She says and Kota chokes on his own spit and looks at eri coughing. "W-what?" He says in shock, "I want a babyyyyy" eri whines and Kota was unsure of how to respond. "... cupcake....I" Kota starts and takes a moment to think before taking a deep breath, "I promise I'll give you a baby...but I'm not ready for one just yet...just give me a little bit okay?" Kota nuzzles eri and she pouts but nods. "Okay...."

Kota kisses her and goes back to filling out the paperwork. Once he was done he gives it to the employee, gives them the money and of course they were able to take the kitten home. Kota picked up everything the kitten would need and once they got home eri let's the kitten explore. Eri thinks and looks at Kota, "hey babeeee" eri starts and Kota was just setting up the cat tree, "yes I still love you" "but-" "yes I'd still love you if you were a worm" "am i-" "no you're not being annoying" eri was shocked and looks down embarrassed, "do i-" "you can ask me those questions as many times as you want cupcake, I'll keep answering them until you feel better" he says and eri smiles softly as Kota really knew what to say and how she was feeling even when she barely got any word out.

Eri thinks and blushes and was mentally debating something and she takes a deep breath. "Um can" eri studders to embarrassed to ask what she wanted to. She thinks and Kota was just looking at her confused trying to figure out what she was trying to ask. "Um...." Eri thinks "can we do...that again..." She asks and Kota was confused for a moment before realizing what she was trying to say and he chuckles and nods. "yeah we can have fun tonight love, once I finish this we can go to the room and do it okay?" He says and eri blushes and nods "m-mhm!" She looks at the kitten who was curled up in their new bed just making biscuits while they dozed off. "Awww...poor thing probably had a really busy day..." Eri whispers not wanting to wake the kitten.

Kota finished building the cat tree, he set up the litter box, water bowl, put some food in the kittens bowl, and some toys so when the kitten had its nighttime zoomies it would be somewhat quiet. "Alright, let's go take care of your lil desire shall we Hun?" Kota smiles lifting eri's head slightly getting the girl to blush. She nods slightly as he leads her to the bedroom and he closed the door behind him and smirks.

The next day eri woke up completely in a daze from last night. She always had the best sleep after they do it and she really didn't know why. "Babe?" Eri looks around Groggy, she felt the sheets next to her and they were still slightly warm. That let eri know that he was at least here all night, she sighs a little disappointed. She always loves getting morning cuddles when she wakes up, but today she wouldn't get that. She sat up to get up when she checks her phone and sees a text from Kota letting her know that he has a last minute meeting and had to go. "Mmmm..." Eri pouts and hugs her knees, she didn't know why but for some reason just knowing he wasn't there to greet her when she woke up made her a little emotional...more so than usual.

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