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Eri was rubbing her stomach humming to the baby. Kota was sitting next to eri with an arm around her as he also rubs her stomach. Soon enough someone burst in through the door and eri jumps up scared and tears up as she sees Miyu. "Miyu!" Eri says rushing over to the cell door crying as it hits eri that they were saved. Miyu picks the lock letting the two out, "c'mon let's get outta here before the leader discovers you're gone..." Miyu says and eri nods. She holds Kota's hand and when they left and were finally outside eri tears up and held onto Kota as she broke down sobbing. "We're free....we can finally just.... we're free" eri looks at Kota smiling and he nods kissing eri.

They actually ended up heading home and eri seemed uneasy there. "Can we move?..." Eri asks suddenly and Kota seemed confused, "they know where this place is....I wanna move somewhere they won't find us....please....I just.... having a baby here doesn't sound safe..." Eri looks at Kota pleading and he sighs and smiles. "Of course Hun...let's just stay here for a few weeks okay?" Kota smiles and eri nods leaning against Kota and then she hears Marvin and she froze. "Marvin?!" She calls out as she looks for the cat and she opens the door to the nursery she was originally working on and the cat runs out. Eri tears up and picks up the cat hugging it tightly and looks at Kota, "look... he's okay" eri smiles "he's gotten so much bigger..." Eri nuzzles the kitten and smiles happily.

The next week was spent packing up their house. Kota luckily managed to find another house that was actually bigger, and more suitable for a bunch of kids. Once they moved in Eri did her best to help move into the new house. She helped Kota unpack, he was setting up the furniture and eri actually got most of the kitchen done. But once the bed was set up she actually ended up laying down and took a needed nap. She was 13 weeks a long now so rest was very much needed. Kota actually got most of the house unpacked and ordered some food for him and eri since he didn't feel like cooking after unpacking all day long.

"Mmmmm...." Eri stretches she she woke up and yelps as the baby kicks her bladder making her pee herself. "You okay love?" Kota asks worried and eri tears up embarrassed and Kota realizes she peed the bed. "She kicked my bladder...." Eri whines and Kota kisses eri helping her up. "It's okay, let's get you in the shower and I'll clean this up okay?" Kota says smiling trying to calm eri down, he didn't make her feel bad for peeing herself at all...he just reassured her and helped her clean up. He even started the shower for her and let her wear his clothes since his clothes were looser and more comfortable for eri...they still had to go shopping for maturity clothes but for now this worked.

Once Eri was in the shower Kota leaves to remove the sheets he just put on the bed, he cleaned the mattress and puts the bedding and eri's clothes into the washer. He put on new bedding and then went to help eri dry off and get into new clothes. "There you go beautiful" Kota smiles kissing eri before he helps her dry the lower half of her body since she couldn't really do it herself. He then helped her get dressed and just kissed her. "I love you so much, now let's get ya back into've done a lot of moving around and so I'm putting you on bed rest for the rest of the day" eri pouts but didn't fight him on it since it would be a losing battle. He was always so passionate about taking care of eri while eri grew the baby inside her. Once Eri was back in bed Kota sat behind her and just started to massage her shoulders to just release some tension. Eri let out a little moan as she didn't even realize how tense she was, but the massage was really needed and once Kota was done she actually felt so much better. "Thank you babe" eri leans against Kota and smiles as he wraps his arms around her. He had one arm wrapped around her chest and the other on her stomach, just rubbing it to keep the baby calm. Sure enough eri soon fell sound asleep, he just continued to hold her and rub her stomach so she could rest. "Thank you for staying calm and letting Mama rest...she really needs it" Kota says softly talking to the baby as he kisses eri's cheek, soon enough eri started to snore as she was just out cold and Kota smiles.

Thankfully, the rest of eri's pregnancy went by perfectly. She actually ended up having an at home water birth like she wanted, Kota had a doctor helping the whole time. Kota ended up helping deliver a baby boy, he was completely healthy and was 9 pounds. Eri was also just fine just really exhausted, once the baby was out of her and Kota handed him to the doctor eri just rests her head on his shoulder. "You did amazing....just try and take it easy okay?" Kota kisses eri on the cheek as he rubs her arms. Once Eri regained some strength Kota helped her out of the bathtub, he carried her to their bed and sets her down and kisses her. The doctor hands eri her son so they could have skin to skin time with the doctor checks to see if eri needed immediate care. Luckily she didn't tear so they just gave her all the pads she would need to recover. Of course Kota took mental note that the ice pack pad was eri's favorite as it really helped with the pain. "He's so tiny...." Eri says rubbing her baby's back while he curled up on her chest. "Do you know what you wanna name him?" Kota asks rubbing eri's head, not leaving her side at all during this whole experience. "Theo...Theo Izumi" eri smiles.

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