A Great Day

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"Wake up..."

"What was that? Huh, that was weird." The words were faintly said, so they were ignored by Ace. Ace was sitting on a throne and was just presented a cherry pie from Trey. The sweet smell of cherry entered his nose, and the warmth felt pleasant on his face. Trey placed the pie in his hands, and Ace could better see the cherries poking from the crust.

"Is that all you wanted?" Trey asked as he bowed.

"Yeah, that's all. Thanks, Trey." Ace said as he waved his hand. Deuce and Riddle were beside Ace, fanning him while he gleefully began to indulge in the dessert before him. Riddle's eyes watched each bite carefully, slowing the strength of wind on his fan. His mouth slowly opened, a drop of drool falling out before it was swiftly wiped away before it reached the ground.


"It's Dorm Leader Ace, Riddle." Ace interrupted. "And what'd you want?"

"Right... Dorm Leader..." Riddle muttered. "I wanted to ask... if I could have a bite?"

"Hmm... Let's see. How about no." Ace said, laughing while holding his chest. To Ace, it was funny seeing him like this, considering how ruthless and brutal Riddle would otherwise be. He thought to himself, praising his strength as it allowed him to take Riddle's place. The best part of it was that he could belittle Riddle to his hearts content, such as he was doing now.

"Now, continue fanning me if you don't mind." Ace said as he turned his head.

"... Of course." Riddle said, a sound of misery as he looked down. After a while, the strength of the wind picked up again, and Riddle spoke no other word.

Ace continued munching on his pie while humming. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Cater entered the room. He knew Cater was going to ramble about a new trend and whatnot, so he groaned mentally in annoyance. This would be the fifth time Cater would randomly waltz into the room, blurt something trendy, and leave. It was pretty funny at first, but man, now it was just sad.

"Cater, go away." Ace said, turning his head. "You know I have my phone, right? I can see what's trending on Magicam."

However, Cater stood at the end of the hall, shouting, "Hey, Ace! You have to wake up!"

Ace frowned. What'd he say? He wondered, "Why do I keep hearing that?"

Suddenly, Deuce stopped fanning Ace. "Hey, Ace. You have to wake up."

Wake up? What?

"Deuce, continue fanning me." Ace scoffed.

"ACE. WAKE UP." Suddenly, Riddle shouted and jumped. Jumped where? On top of Ace! Ace's first reaction was a chuckle because of how tiny Riddle was, but then when Riddle put his hands on him, it changed to fear. Somehow, Riddle had the strength of five hundred men as he yanked Ace's collar, making the two face each other up close. In his peripheral vision, he saw an arm raise, and a hard SMACK landed on Ace's face. The world before him disappeared, but a sharp pain on his cheek remained.

Ace's eyes slowly opened, and he saw a blur of a figure in front of him. As his vision slowly returned to him, the figure was clearer, and it was of a familiar face. It was Deuce in his uniform, his hand close to Ace's face as if he were about to release another few rounds of taps.

"Oh, good. You're finally awake." He sighed in relief, "Ace, you better dress quickly."

"Oh, come on! That was a dream?!" Ace thought. He knew Riddle fanning him was way too good to be true.

"Wait, what time is it?" Ace asked, squinting.

"Time for school." Deuce said while fixing his hair in front of a mirror. "I knew we shouldn't have watched that movie, " He yawned. "I'm way too tired to focus in Trein's class today."

"Really?" Ace said, stretching."I'm not tired at all." And as those words left his lips, he swiftly jumped off his bed and reached for his uniform.

"Seriously? We went to sleep at the same time. How come I'm tired and you're not?" Deuce wondered.

"I dunno." Ace said while putting on pants. "Maybe my terrible luck has passed onto you, and I'm not one to complain." After putting on his uniform, Ace stood next to Deuce. The two looked at their reflections.

"Dude, you even have eyebags and everything!" Ace laughed.

Comparing the two side by side, one was seriously good-looking and looked as if he had a wonderful nights sleep. The other had eyebags, a dead stare, and a mess of hair. No one could have guessed the two slept at the same ungoldly hour. Ace patted Deuce on his back.

"Deuce, you should seriously go to sleep earlier. What were you thinking sleeping that late?" Ace snickered before Deuce punched him in the shoulder. One laughed on the way to the door while the other rubbed his eyes, missing the light switch a couple of times before finally hitting it and starting their day.

Everything went well that day. Since he was wide awake, Ace decided to actually pay attention to Trein's class and found that he understood the lesson by the end of the lecture. Deuce, on the other hand, was barely holding on and occasionally dropped his head before getting nudged on by Jack. Gym class also went swiftly for Ace. He was doing all sorts of tricks on his broom and didn't fall once. However, Deuce was leaning onto his broom so he could have something to sleep on. During lunch, Ace arrived early, so he got all the stuff he wanted. Plus, he made sure to walk around Ruggie's table this time. Deuce was also early, so he also got what he wanted. But as soon as he sat down at their table, his head slammed onto the food. He was asleep beyond lunchtime, and Ace heard Crowley had to wake him up and send him to class. Yeah, today wasn't a good day for Ace. It was a great day.

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