The Invitation

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It was the afternoon, and the school day had long been over. Deuce and Ace were hanging out in the Ramshackle dorm. Well, it was more like Ace was hanging out with Yuu. Ever since the two walked into the dorm, Deuce had been sleeping on Ace's shoulder, snoring to his hearts content.

"What's wrong with Deuce?" Yuu asked as they kneeled by a small table.

"Oh, he's just tired." Ace said while moving his shoulder, hoping Deuce would get off. "We stayed up really late last night watching a really crappy movie. For some reason, he was the only one out of the two of us who was extremely tired." Ace said as he continued to nudge Deuce.

"Poor Deuce. Are you sure you don't want to lay him on a bed? There's plenty of empty rooms to plop him in." Yuu asked.

"No, it's fine," Ace said. "We're gonna leave soon anyway. Riddle wanted us to come back earlier this time. Something about a lesson on how to clean better." As he spoke, Deuce's head started plummeting slowly until it finally landed on Ace's lap. Surprisingly, the impact didn't wake him up. The guy was still snoring.

"Haha, sounds like Riddle." Yuu laughed. Ace watched as they scribbled something on a piece of paper. Curious, he spoke.

"What're you doing anyways?" Ace asked. "If it's Trein's homework, you'll let me copy it, right?"

"Oh, this? I'm just writing invitations." Yuu said as they pulled an envelope out of a folder and put the paper inside.

"Invitations? For what?" Ace asked.

Yuu picked up a piece of paper that sat by itself on the table and passed it to Ace. Ace read its contents as Yuu spoke. "I'm planning on hosting a Valentine's Day party since, y'know, Valentine's Day nearing and all." Ace continued to scan the letter. It read:

"To the lucky guy reading this (I'm inviting everyone, so this is pointless).

Hello! You have been invited to the Ramshackle dorm for a fun Valentine's Day Bash! Snacks and beverages will be provided, but we won't say no to additional food brought to the event! The more the merrier! We'll be hosting fun activities that are themed to the holiday. There is no dress code... just don't come in your pj's.

Sincerely, Yuu."

"The ghosts and I have been thinking about this party for a while. I'm pretty sure they just want more people to bother than just Grim and I." Ace looked up from the letter and watched as Yuu walked over to the two before poking Deuce in the face. Deuce responded by mumbling a few unintelligible things before flipping himself towards Ace.

"You can keep the invite. Just tell Deuce he's invited too. And on the topic of Deuce, you two should probably head back." Yuu said as they returned to the table.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Ace stretched his arms. "I've had enough of his drool over my clothes since the moment I got here." And soon after that, Ace started to get up, which was enough to wake up Deuce as he started to slowly open his eyes. "Oh, you're not dead." Ace said as Deuce rubbed his eyes.

Ace turned his head towards Yuu. "Well, thanks for the invite. I'll be sure to come." He turned his head back to Deuce and nudged him. "Come on, Deuce, we're leaving."

"Already? But didn't we just show up?" Deuce asked as he struggled to pick himself up, evidently, still wanting to nap a little longer.

After a couple of last words, Ace walked over to the door with Deuce following from behind. But before Ace could completely step out of the dorm, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and noticed the one behind him wasn't Deuce, but Yuu.

"By the way..." Yuu said quietly. "Just make sure your answers are a little different."

Yuu handed Ace a piece of paper, and it was the homework they had gotten that day in Trein's class. This one was different than Ace's, though. It actually had answers that were right.

Ace smiled. "You're a real one, Yuu! If there's anything you need, don't shy away from asking."

"I'll take note of that." Yuu responded. "However, you better not copy it word for word like last time." Yuu said with a frustrated look on their face.

"I won't," Ace laughed, "Promise."

And after a exchange of byes, Ace and Deuce headed back to their dorm.

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