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It was dead silent. Extremely, dead silent. Ever since Deuce said those few words, Ace had been as still as a statue, incredibly uncomfortable with the situation that was conspiring. It didn't help that since Ace was paralyzed, Deuce moved in closer and rested his head on Ace's chest. Ace opened his mouth before closing it, unable to respond to the action Deuce took. He quickly peeked at the other and noticed Deuce's eyes were stuck onto his, and he flinched. Ace thought of something the moment he saw Deuce's eyes, but he didn't dare speak on it, afraid the answer he concluded in his mind was true. But Deuce kept watching him intently, and so with a speck of courage, he finally muttered a few words while looking anywhere but in those terrifying eyes.

"...Why do you have eyebags under your eyes?" Ace asked.

"I stayed up all night thinking about you, silly." Deuce replied. "I couldn't fall asleep knowing you were right next to me sleeping adorably."

"Oh, I see." He gagged mentally. Yup. That was exactly what Ace assumed. Somehow, hearing it from the guy himself made it even more repulsive.

Ace continued to stare off into the deep abyss of his bedroom. Suddenly, the desk on the other side of the room became increasingly interesting. Was that a pencil he saw? Ace wondered where he got that pencil. It sure was a nice pencil. Sweat started to form on his forehead, and it only enticed him further to look for any sort of distraction. However, just when he found a candy wrapper intriguing, Deuce started to snuggle against Ace. This small gesture caused Ace to finally snap and exit his state of paralyzation. Without a second thought, he put both hands on Deuce and sharply pushed him off the bed. Deuce didn't expect the sudden attack and didn't have enough time to put a defense up, so he crashed onto the floor with a loud THUD resounding.

As soon as the other was removed, Ace immediately dusted off his clothes and shivered. He dusted his hair, dusted his arms, dusted his chest a couple of times before feeling certain that he got rid of all the Deuce essence. He sighed.

"I..." However, he didn't have a word to say even after all the things that just took place.

Ace sat still in his bed, looking over the situation he brought onto himself. Why was this happening to Ace? What did he do to deserve these things happening to him all the time? He was always the target! These thoughts started to take over his mind before he heard a faint groan coming from the ground. Ace snapped back into reality and slowly moved his eyes to the floor. There, laid an unconscious Deuce. His face was flat on the ground, and his limbs were spread all over the place. This only further proved how unaware he was of Ace's motives to punch him into the ground. Ace felt relieved that Deuce wasn't on him anymore, but somehow, the thought of Deuce being dead sent shivers up his spine. Sure, Deuce was a disgusting freak of nature at the moment, but maybe with some chains, he'd be fine. Also, he couldn't be dead just yet! Who would Ace put the blame on things then? It just wouldn't do.

And with a decision made, Ace moved off the bed and onto the floor. Deuce still didn't move even though it was clear as day Ace was checking up on him. Ace crouched, watching the other's unresponsive body before moving his hand to touch Deuce. He poked him quickly before flinching back in fear the other would respond, but he didn't. Ace tried again, moving further away, thinking this time he would actually respond, but no, he still didn't. Ace was still cautious but less afraid than before, so he decided to move his face closer to Deuce's, who was currently facing the floor. He watched carefully over the other, trying to hear a peep of a faint breath or noise. However, at the distance he was at, he couldn't hear anything, so he moved closer, then closer, and even closer. His face was now extremely close to Deuce's, and since it was close enough now, he tried to listen once more. However, as he did so, he felt a pair of hands suddenly rush up to his face before feeling a soft pair of lips kiss him on the cheek.

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