Chapter 002: Intelligent Alien Life

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Chapter Theme Music: Stellamara ~ (Kyrie Eleison)

There are theories within every sentient society reaching out to the stars, theories centering on the topics of intelligent alien life beyond themselves. All Altiri have thought about the prospect, and Altiri scientist Herios wanted to capitalize on the opportunity, using her understanding and breakthroughs of psionic science.

We were once limited in a time where all we knew was short-range telepathy and short-range advanced clairvoyance. We have since penetrated the shroud of our past limitations, throwing our psionic energy waves to the ends of the universe through the Astral. Our abilities to scan galaxies with our minds is far greater than any telescope or electronic scanner, though limited in that - its return data will only exist if a potential Scion is there as a recipient for data sharing.

The advancements in our science didn't stop or deter us, and we Altiri, who have lived in a world never changing would often find little to occupy our time of leisure, our boredom an enemy we know too well. Countless years have we searched the stars, scanning sector after sector of spacial coordinates, all using our clairvoyant abilities set limitless in range or distance and unimpeded by time. So it seems, emotions are more powerful than the forces that make up this construct we call a universe. Many were not expecting to find any alien life, while others took to their duties religiously. Still, countless years passed, and nothing seemed to change.

Though she is around no longer, Herios had faith we would one day find that intelligent life beyond our system, developing potential scenarios and first-contact protocols. Of the most alluring, came an experimental psionic process known as a purge. Using the power of the purge, a small group or cluster of Altiri Scions could in theory, send a psionic signal to a particular target from any distance, and set this signal to gradually unlock that person's psionic potential by training the brain's neuro-receptors to interact with the part of the brain responsible for all psionic activity; a psychological activity that has a physical effect on the brain and the mind.

The experimental process was only thought of, because we all knew with certainty there would be a language barrier problem if ever we did find life. Herios somehow knew that other aliens may lack psionic abilities while possessing the potential to learn them, a situation that would still prevent us from ever communicating with another, as it takes two active Scions to share our minds together as one.

The potential for something greater grew in our expectations. Our hopes exceeded what they should have for such a long time. Every intelligent creature wants to socialize with others, to communicate, to learn more, to be part of something bigger than themselves. Our search for alien life was never motivated by any ill-intention or hostility, only a pureness of care and curiosity. Motivated as all Altiri were to find such life, very few ever expected to return a single result, myself included.

I suppose that is why, the one day such news broke, everyone in our world was blasted with cultural shock, the surprise that returned a positive answer we had been searching for so long. At long last, the report from the Royal Scryers was delivered to all Altiri in a telepathic bulletin: "Our top scryers have confirmed the echo return data from our anonymous reporter. After checking several times, we have confirmed the existence of currently active intelligent alien life, star cluster ACS, star type G-7, species class personoid. It has been decreed by our great queen as of today, that our search for alien life has confirmed this single positive result on planetary object designation ACS414. Details on exact spacial coordinate stretching can be found in a data file we will be releasing later, for all others who wish to congregate on this information. More details about our findings will be collected and released over time."

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