Chapter 003: First Contact Protocol

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Chapter Theme Music: Space Symphony 1 ~ H.U.M.

<04/01/136,159 {Avion 139} - 06:57 | Orbital Sector Zf41E512, Genosis, Altiri Sector Space>

After finally hearing the hymn of Sierra's voice in my mind, I relaxed a little with my hand on some of the controls and the flat keys in front of me, piloting most of the navigation controls while Junko sat beside me controlling other aspects of the FS Triag class starship.

"We have you in view Cy-Stars. Approaching Sector Zf41E512. Lumina? Your destination setting is in corral coordinates -156,279,451,900.5254, 257.10, 908,254,131; horizontal axial tilt of 2.9 degrees, vertical axial tilt of 1.0 degrees, orientation heading North zero. Also, it's good to see you."

"Likewise." I held every single digit to memory, and would later confirm the coordinate setting with the leader of the Stryders Aggressor Group after orienting the ship to such precise settings in space. So much was still on my mind from before, but like everyone else, I remained focused on the task at hand, never forgetting the hidden dangers of piloting these large spacecraft.

Junko assisted me with the sub-systems and power controls, while I took to navigation, drifting the ship into an exact position, and then taking the twenty minutes it would require to set the tilts perfectly correct. Despite the lack of auto-pilot functions, the ship did come with some amount of pilot support for lining up these numbers exactly right, but I double-checked, because they had to be fully precise.

After nearly getting everything correct, I tried to contact Sierra for confirmation again, but there was a bit of a waiting pattern, as she was doing the same for all the other Cy-Star ships, giving them different sets of locational coordinates for five starships total to the formation, merging that formation with the ten ships ahead of them; five of which were from the Stryders, and five more were from Radion. After confirming minutes later that the numbers we had were correct, I keyed in more data, locking in these coordinates and keeping the ship in its exact position.

"All positional keys match. Adding full power to the AGCR systems now. Junko?" I merely waited on Junko to confirm that the settings I was applying made it through to the relevant subsystems of the ship.

"Confirmed. AGCR system is fully operational, and our coordinates and rotation is perfectly still... Shall we?" Junko knew she didn't need to ask, but I could understand why. The sluggishness of my reaction to all of this was easily noticeable, even to myself.

It's incredibly rare that any of us are allowed to meet other aggressor groups in person, let alone communicate with them telepathically. The queen forbids all communication between aggressor groups and even some of the people down on the planet, though if asked, she sometimes makes exceptions like these moments. My sisters and I were heading out to meet some great friends of mine. Though I don't get a chance to talk to them as often, the Stryders and the Radion consist of people most important to me, me and all of my sisters.

This isn't a simple gathering to chat about the calm; it's much more important in setting. Still, part of me doesn't want to know. Part of me doesn't want to talk about our recent findings. No matter what I feel though, I cannot deny myself and the others from seeing our greatest friends. That is the reason for our travel today.

"You'll be fine."

"I don't need the reassurance." Though I was not meant to sound harsh reassuring Junko about my part to play in all this, she must understand that I can handle myself now.

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