Chapter 007: Hell's Breath

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Chapter Theme Music: Lycanthia ~ Ordo Funebris

<07/18/145,838 {Avion 144} - 16:40 | Corral Position, Genosis, Altiri Sector Space>
<Karnak to ACS414 Date Equivalent: 07/18/-1718>

I wish I could be more certain about every choice I make in my life. How different would things turn out if I had the ability to redo something I question or regret? Why must every turning point in time beseech so much anxiety? We're always afraid that our actions may one day prove to be one colossal mistake which can never be undone or rectified.

With or without this power, so long as we still learn from our mistakes, we can confidently take pride in our growth. However, we're all still learning so much. None of us will be certain anytime soon if our interference in the human world will lead to despair and woe. It may turn out that we shall never be certain of such choices.

"Calibrations complete. That's all for now." Junko turned her head slightly to meet mine, while I had my focused view straight through the forward cockpit window of our starship, displaying the vast skybox of outer space blended with the hint of blue between the distant stars. "Anyone home?"

"I heard you." My mind has been so active lately, confused and centered on every aspect of our two worlds. Before I realized it, a full, long-term montrum enveloped the corners of my passive imagination. I was constantly wondering about our future, rather than the mere detail of our shared existence. The Altiri world and the Human world are no longer as separate as they used to be, our involvement certain in a recent announcement by the queen and her Royal Scryers. It was a decision I thought they would never-ever make... And yet, I don't feel all that upset about the news, perhaps because too much time has passed since, or perhaps because I stopped caring about the benevolent direction of ACS414.

I wasn't ignoring Junko; I was simply keeping my mind busy. The frequent manual calibrations we must input into the navigation program is one of many to crux our daily operations, a necessary process to ensure the AGCR systems are handling their task amidst the constant output of external gravitational flux between Karnak and our star. With it complete, we can ignore any further input for several hours, doing nothing but thinking or talking, or something else...

"Still thinking about ACS414?" Junko knows already it's more than that. She already dedicated some time recently to check in with Earth using her long range clairvoyance, as have I. Not too much has changed in their world over the thousands of years, except for the fact that local colonies continue to branch and spread outward, increasing our visual range of what our psionic eyes can see.

"I'm wondering why they're planning to initiate first contact with humans." It's news everybody knows about, including those on the surface of Karnak. Despite all previous concerns, the royal team finally lifted the no-contact protocol, under very specific and complex circumstances of course.

Much of this must have been influenced by the slow and gradual evolution of human behavior. They gradually grow more intelligent through further generations of birth, and long after the ice age era of their world, the humans have continued to adapt and expand beyond their original position of their initial spawn of existence, wherever that may be. We've been capable of observing more colonies and more locations including amazing scenery as a result, but that isn't the only thing that has changed in human society.

Many thought the Earth would have a short finite number of days to remain peaceful, myself included. However, we instead realized that through a lack of global unity, technology, and fettered lifespans, it's presently too difficult for the heathens of that world to take control of any large groups for conquer and world domination, at least for now. When their society reaches a higher state of development and unity, this will certainly change.

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