Chapter 008: The Purge Experimental

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Chapter Theme Music: Polar Veil ~ E-Mantra

<06/16/147,078 {Avion 145} - 07:59 | Research Station N-41, Genosis, Altiri Sector Space>
<Karnak to ACS414 Date Equivalent: 06/16/-478>

One of the many questions preliminary to interstellar communication is the method by which communications may be established. There are different resolutions which may be suitable for communicating with a distant alien species, but virtually every method has its drawbacks. Radio communications, techno-signatures, and the artificial instigation of unusual cosmic process all have the potential to be used to communicate with, or perhaps locate intelligent alien life. However, the three methods I've just mentioned are not as ideal as many might think.

Radio waves only travel at the speed of light, which is relatively slow when compared to the size of the entire universe. Even with potent telephonic lenses, the Earth and Karnak would never be able to spot each other, due to sheer distance and lack of light travel alone. There was a point in time where we Altiri didn't monitor average cosmic noise, so radio signals also have chance to be missed.

Then there is the idea behind techno-signatures; a state of a particular civilization where their presence in space is detectable by highly advanced electronic detection systems, combined with telescopes and spectrometry. Even a fleet such as ours won't be easy to detect at a distance with all the background cosmic noise. However, it's also likely that other civilizations have yet to reach the depths out outer space, making them even more undetectable due to being underdeveloped.

Outer space is fairly hostile to all life, so any exotic or rare cosmic phenomena is even less likely to house suitable life. There lies within this principle the theory of the habitable zone. The habitable zone is mostly subjective in nature. It may not be applicable in exact specifications for every single species. When we first discovered Earth, we noticed that the various regions and zones on the planet ranged severely in temperature, compared to our home, which hangs around -340 Nixus. Consider us; Altiri of ancient times, beings that need and thrive in constant cold and plentiful hydration, and then consider the biological settings of human beings. Were humans to ever attempt colonization of our world, they would freeze to death in a mere instant. Were Altiri to ever attempt colonization of their world, our bodies would melt and crumble in a mere instant, putting aside our different atmospheric compositions.

What works for one species won't always work for the next. This increases the potential span of what can be considered habitable zone worlds, which makes the search for life all the longer. Other civilizations searching however, may yet come to realize this fact, if they have never discovered anything on their own, which negatively affects the chance of their communications should they dismiss the other possibilities.

Even our own methods of communication are subject to errors and faults of a perfect design. Psionic energy is vastly superior to almost everything we have, and it can be used to establish telepathic links to those who are also psionic, (or 'Scions'). The obvious fault in this way of thinking, is that telepathic communication only works if both nodes have at least a minimum level of psionic activity and potential in their brain. Some creatures have some potential, but usually not enough to enable automatic telepathic potential between that species and another with the same or greater potential.

This is the problem The Unity has been having when attempting to institute the first contact policy between our race, and the inhabitants of ACS414. We are telepathic Scions, where humans are not. Humans have psionic potential; we know this because, if they did not, then humans would be fully immune to our clairvoyant sensing. This also implies that humans are fully capable and adept to experiencing and handling powerful and intense emotions, something all Scions seem to need. In short, humans are close to having the minimum level of psionic power needed to experience telepathy naturally, with a negative factor compared to us by about 3.6.

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