Chapter 013: Experiment #24

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Chapter Theme Music: Hold ~ Carbon Based Lifeforms (The Path)
<Video Time Stamp: 9:08>

<08/11/149,565 {Avion 148} - 05:49 | Transperation Station 9, Genosis, Altiri Sector Space>
<Karnak to ACS414 Date Equivalent: 08/11/2009>

Before long, that fateful day fell into our laps, and I among the others was a nervous wreck walking. Rose and Lulu helped guide us into the station we would be using for our operation, getting the doors open and the systems checked before going any further.

After walking into the spacious main room of the advanced and clean facility, the others slowed down for a moment, giving myself plenty of time to think and consider what was happening right now. We had docked all of ours ships to the outer mooring bay, and were now entering transperation station #9. This station that floats in space is a holy sanctuary for all of us in Genosis, and there were moments in time where loads of prestigious research was done here.

One of the details Rose wanted to be certain of before we boarded however - was the total absence of all personnel aboard. Unlike all other purges, this one must remain a secret until we can launch our signal. Hiding our attempt is not going to be easy, since the psionic surge of energy is something any Altiri could detect at any range. Luckily, the place was totally abandoned for the cycle, though that will change after today.

This station doesn't require people onboard to run the facility at all times. The station for the most part is not even in operation, especially for its purpose in conducting transperation. The more advanced AGCR system here can run on its own, resistant to errors for far longer than it could in one of our starships. Since transperation is so rare that only eight total attempts over thousands of years have been made, (where only four of which successful), it isn't unusual for this place to be devoid of other Altiri crew. The point is, we're alone in this station, and nobody else knows we're here.

"Remember to keep using our physical voice at all costs until we begin. It's the only way we can hope to shield our planned activity from the queen and her snooping scryers." Sherika only meant to take additional precaution, needing not point out the obvious fact that any Altiri could aim ordinary clairvoyance into this station and see what we were up to at any moment. Optimism requires that such extra detail be unspoken, and I wasn't about to disagree.

After everyone seemed to catch up to us, I waited for Fionne to point out in general where we would have to go. The last time I scanned Georgia, a rare air current had dragged its temperature zones down into the lower forties, and since it should still be before sunrise there, we have time on our side. Even so, I'm more alert and nervous than ever, all fragments of doubt scratching at me from beyond the void I cast it to. I had also never conducted a purge before, so this wasn't going to be easy to hold much confidence to.

"Over there is good," Fionne pointed, addressing our collective attention to the observatory deck in the corner. The place she pointed had several reinforced windows for viewing the outside world directly, right where we could see the reflected light of our star amidst the infinite cosmos, with slight angular view of our ring nebula. That view really will be good for the process, helping us stay focused.

Technically, there is nothing in this facility that is meant to conduct or even help with a purge. All of us can send a purge from our ships or anywhere else, but there is a good reason for coming all the way out here to do this. One element required is our immediate proximity and presence to each other for the psionic amplification aspect. With some of us separated on our own ships, a purge is not possible. We can't all warp onto just one ship, because if we leave the consoles for too long in corral position, the AGCR will need readjustment, causing ever-so-slight microscopic movement of our ships in outer space, which locks us out of the teleportation machines used to get back. Plus, if my studies on this purge process are accurate, this will drain the living hell out of all of us exactly ten seconds following our action, and keep us drained for far too long to pilot a ship safely. Despite the preparation for risk, Talor packed all of us additional water bottles to hold for the time being, the substance set to instantly restore at least part of our lost stamina.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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