i| The Icelands

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Note: Above you can find a map of Westeros including where The Icelands is

Chapter One: The Islands
Game of Thrones, Season 1

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"All my life men like you have sneered at me,
and all my life I've been knocking men like you into the dust."

— Brienne of Tarth

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The North was a dangerous place for most born in the summer

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The North was a dangerous place for most born in the summer. Summer babies did not understand the dangers that winter brought to Westeros, where the poor suffered starvation and the rich learnt what it was like to step a little closer to the common grounds their citizens lived in. Though, the rich stayed rich while the poor died. Winter was cruel to all, it discriminated against no one.

The Icelands were well-equipped for winter. However, it was doubtful if summer could even be considered summer there, for snow always covered the ground and ice threatened to take over the wall. It was a sacred place, home to the family that descended from the first men and it was a place so close to the wall, that it could be considered the true North.

They never served or vowed to help any king or queen, deeming the south as an outcasted place to them; just another place on a map no matter how many King's Landing told their people they were loyal to them. The Icelands posed no threats in the eyes of so they were never much bother, they just wanted to be left alone...as far as they were concerned. They had one house they were worn to.

House Stark. Forever and Always. The North stood together, always had and always would.

It mattered not if you were a man or woman; it didn't matter if you were blonde or red-haired. All people were the same there, all were trained to fight from a young age as mandatory and whoever wished to stay in the army could do so. Nearly all did, though they were never required apart from a group that watched out for deserted.

The Icelands held Westeros' best archers.


"Unfair! You cheated!"

"I did not cheat!" Nyssa Ember threw her blindfold off her face. "You tried it yourself!"

"Cheater!" Lorelai Ember whined back.

"You can't call her a cheater because you lost, Lorelai!" Milari Ember laughed.

The Ember children, heirs to The Icelands. It was one of the few places that believed that there could be a Lady ruling over them, a place where sons weren't required to be heirs. The firstborn would always take their parent's place.

Nyssa Ember was the eldest, born in the harsh of winter and raised in the snow, with fiery red hair that flowed past her shoulders and piercing hazel ages that made a man drop his sword. She was tall, and held herself well with strong shoulders and a stern gaze. She was the most confident but still held kindness for those she deemed deserved it.

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