Vi| Sworn protector

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Chapter Six: Sworn Protector
Game of Thrones, Season 1

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"I swear it by the old Gods and the new"

"I swear it by the old Gods and the new"

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Brandon Stark was going to live.

Nyssa Ember couldn't have had better news and her admiration for the boy was easy to see in the way she constantly checked on him. With Lord Stark and the Stark daughters leaving, this was the news they needed as well.

On the other hand, Jon Snow was staying true to his word and leaving for the wall. Nyssa had begged him not to, telling him that he always had a home in the North and if he felt unwanted in Winterfell, perhaps he would prefer to take up arms with the Embers, they would take him.

"I'm not an Ember, I can't just live in your castle and say I am. It's disrespectful to your family and the Starks," Jon denied, glancing up at her. "I'm sorry Nyssa. You can visit me."

"Women aren't allowed at the wall," Nyssa pointed out.

"No one would stop you, I've always said that and so have you," Jon reminded. "Will you go back to the Icelands?"

"No, I'm needed here. Lady Stark is about to watch her husband and daughters leave, I think she's appreciate a friendly face to make sure Winterfell is in check. Besides, someone had to watch over Robb and his stupid ideas," Nyssa joked.

Jon laughed, allowing a fond grin to stay on his face. Nyssa Ember was so much like her father that it was hard to ignore for most people but Jon had always seen Nyssa for who she was, not her heritage.

"Milari and Lorelai are leaving with my parents. Milari starts her full training on her name day and she wouldn't miss it. Lorelai will be the eldest child while I'm gone and she'll have fun finding a suiter," Nyssa shrugged. "I should go and say goodbye to them but you need to promise you'll be safe Jon."

Jon hesitated but nodded for the sake of Nyssa. 

"Nyssa?" Jon called before she left. "Can you...let me know about Bran? And look after Rickon, everyone is leaving and he doesn't know what's going on."

"I swear that I will do everything in my breath to keep your family safe, Jon Snow," Nyssa nodded. "Through rain and shine, you will reunite with your siblings."

"Thank you, Nyssa."

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Nyssa Ember admired Catelyn Stark's love for her children but she also knew that the woman was forgetting that Bran was not the only one to worry about. Nyssa knew that it was hard for a mother to leave a child that was injured but Rikkon had been following Nyssa around since half the Starks went south.

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