ii| Winterfell

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Chapter Two: Winterfell
Game of Thrones, Season 1

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"Fear cuts deeper than swords."
— Arya Stark


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Winterfell was a place that hosted one of the most respected families in the North, even more respected than the Embers; it was home to the warden of the North. If the North was separated from the rest of Westeros, the Starks would certainly rule.

"Why do we have to be presentable every time they visit us? They're our friends, not our superiors," Arya Stark complained.

"It's been years since they last visited!" Sansa disagreed. "I hope Loralai has learnt to stitch too—"

"I don't care about you and your little girl stitching club," Arya whined. "Nyssa—"

"Nyssa probably doesn't have time for you," Sansa pointed out. "She's a Lady now."

Ned and Catelyn Stark shared an amused look though some form of disgruntlement was there. The two of them had called their children into the hall, including Jon Snow, to let them know of the Ember's arrival. There were five official Stark children: Robb, the eldest, followed by his younger brothers Bran and Rickon. Sansa was the eldest daughter followed by Arya. Finally, Jon was Ned's Bastard.

"Lord Ember and his family have chosen to come here to make it easier for King Robert," Ned announced. "I don't want any of you causing trouble with his daughters."

"It's his daughters that are the trouble," Catelyn pointed out quietly. "How many times have we seen them shooting arrows in the woods or running around like...well...I've never known a place to train the girls like they are grown men."

"I think it's great," Arya boasted.

"Enough, eat and then get ready for bed," Catelyn demanded.

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"What's with that face?"

"What face? I have no 'face'?"

Soren Ember gave her daughter a pointed look as she watched the way Nyssa's face made an unimpressed uplifting of the mouth. Solen had always been an observant individual when it came to her children so when they approached Winterfell and the face of her eldest daughter changed, she knew something was wrong.

"Is it the Stark's or the Lannisters that cause this face, Little bird?" Soren questioned.

"Do you think they remember us...the Stark children?" Nyssa questioned.

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