Viii| Confessions

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Chapter Eight: Confessions
Game of Thrones, Season 1

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"I'm not a lady. I never have been. That's not me."
— Arya Stark


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Nyssa Ember had been raised to believe that oaths and promises were the most important thing in the world, even before love, and words were not just spoken. Words were taken as truth and dishonour was a worst crime than thieving. 

Yet, oaths were dangerous and Ned Stark was proving those words.

When Robb Stark informed Nyssa that Jamie Lannister had attacked Ned Stark in the streets, killing Stark men while doing so and stabbing Ned through the leg, she had been enraged. She already had a poor attitude towards the Lannister but her blood boiled. If Ned wasn't safe in the south with Robert around, neither were Arya or Sansa and Nyssa adored the girls.

"Not too fast, Bran!" Nyssa called.

They were riding through the wolfswood so Bran could try the new saddle, to which he was incredibly happy with, as Robb, Nyssa and Theon watched him.

"When are you gonna tell him?" Theon questioned.

"Not now," Robb replied bluntly.

"Blood for blood. You need to make the Lannisters to pay for Jory and the others," Theon insisted.

"You're talking about war," Nyssa frowned.

"I'm talking about justice," Theon corrected.

"Only the Lord of Winterfell can call in the bannermen and raise an army," Robb explained, turning to look at Theon.

"A Lannister put his spear through your father's leg!" Theon raised his voice. "The Kingslayer rides to Casterly Rock where no one can touch—"

Nyssa couldn't believe Theon was insisting they start a war so easily, not to mention marching on a place they would never be able to take.

"If you are telling us to march on chastely rock, that's a fight we can't win," Nyssa warned in a deadly voice. "Do not forget your place, Greyjoy."

"And your place? You're not a Stark, you know," Theon pressured.

Nyssa held her head high and straight in posture.

"No. I'm an Ember, which is more than you will ever live up to. You do not understand what a war would mean for our houses," Nyssa replied boldly. "My father is warden of the north on Lord Stark's orders, which puts my rank highly above yours."

"They attacked Robb's father; they've already started the war. It's both of your duties to represent your Houses when your Lord Stark can't."

"And it's not your duty, because it's not your House." Robb interrupted before the two could start a fight.

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