Part 1

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"Hey loser!" Louis screamed down the hall throwing his plastic water bottle hitting me on the back of the head. "Wasn't there any gay guys at your old school?" he taunted, making Liam, Zayn and Niall laugh along with him. I just kept walking to class, everyday Louis has some nasty remark about me, I was starting to get used to it by now. "Harry you're late, sit down" my teacher Mrs. Walter's said to me as I walked into the class room, which made everyone laugh and make fun of me including Louis, Louis had every class with me, which made every year hell for myself. "We are doing a group project that needs to be handed in by next week, no you cannot pick your partners I have a list who gets to work with who" she said putting on her glasses and pulling out a sheet of paper. "Nichole you work with Sarah, John you work with Carter, Harry you work with Louis" Suddenly Louis interrupted her "I'm sorry I work with who?!" He said standing up scooting his chair back. "You work with Harry" She said continuing reading off her list, I was completely  terrified!, it's bad enough that I have to get bullied by Louis everyday and now I'm going to have to get bullied everyday at my own house!. "Can I work with someone else?" I practically pleaded. "No Harry, you can work with Louis! now both of you stop interrupting me! or you both will have next weeks detention!" She said. The school bell rang and everyone darted out the door "Louis!" I heard Liam yelling from the school doors "Come on let's go!" Louis pushed me out of the way and ran towards Liam "You'll never believe what just happened" Louis said throwing his back pack at Zayn "What?" Liam said
"I have to do a group project with Harry!" they all laughed at him, "Careful! he might have a crush on you!" Zayn said laughing hysterically. They knew I  could hear them, that's why they got louder each time they talked. "Okay guys knock it off" Niall said "Let's just go"
"You're no fun Horan!" Louis said laughing pushing the back of Niall's head as they all walked out the door.
"Mum I'm home!" I yelled walking inside the house. My mum was in the kitchen cutting up carrots for dinner "Hey Harry! come in here help your poor mum out!" she laughed from the kitchen, I sat my backpack down on the couch in the living room and walked into the kitchen where mum was.
"How was your day honey?" she asked handing me a cutting board and some carrots for me to chop up.
"Oh it was fine" I said hanging my head down, chopping slowly. "Harry talk to me, what happened?" she asked putting down the knife she was using. "You know that mean kid Louis?" I said looking at her. "Ugh that smart lad who thinks he runs the whole world?" she said with a disgusting look on her face. "Yeah him, well we got paired to do a group project together and I don't know, I guess I'm just scared" I continuing to chop the carrots. "Well don't let him push you around, don't let it show that what he says bothers you, okay?" she said walking over to the refrigerator grabbing the other ingredients for dinner. "I'll try mum" I said smiling at her, I love my mum she's always looking out for me. I finished helping her make dinner, we talked all night about my future, what I was going to do about Louis, we even talked about my sister Gemma, she was off to college, we both miss her. after I ate, I decided to take a much needed shower, then I went up to my room and laid on my bed, scrolling through my phone. I began to cry, the thought of having no friends and being bullied everyday took a toll on me, I cried for an hour straight until I finally dozed off.

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